Moodle Docker testing environment (including traefik, cron and moosh)

How to start

1.) Download and extract your moodle code from and place it inside the moodle folder.

2.) Download and extract moosh from and place it inside the moosh folder.

3.) Run traefik as explained here


comment out the labels option included in the phpMyAdmin service and the nginx service. Please note, to enter a port in docker-compose file instead and modify conf/nginx.conf accordingly.

4.) Run docker-compose up -d to build the necessary containers and start them.

5.) Install moodle via browser


via CLI:

docker exec -it moodle-moosh-docker-app php admin/cli/install.php --lang=de --wwwroot=http://docker-moosh.localhost --dataroot=/var/www/moodledata --dbtype=mariadb --dbhost= moodle-moosh-docker-db --dbname=moodle --dbuser=moodleuser --dbpass=mysqlpassword --prefix=mdl_ --fullname=moodle-moosh --shortname=moodle-moosh --adminpass=test --adminemail=admin@moodle.invalid --agree-license --non-interactive

6.) Check if the cron service is running properly

docker logs moodle-moosh-docker-cron


via browser at site-administration->notifications: http://docker-moosh.localhost/admin/index.php?cache=1

7.) Check if moosh is running properly:

docker exec -it -u www-data moodle-moosh-docker-moosh bash

and then

moosh user-list

There you should the at least two moodle users listed.

8.) Create some dummy content via

docker exec -i -u www-data moodle-moosh-docker-moosh bash <