
Deep Depth from Focus implementation

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Deep Depth From Focus

Deep Depth From Focus implementation in PyTorch. Please check the ddff-toolbox for refocusing and camera parameters.



To run the project a Python 3.7.0 environment and a number of packages are required. The easiest way to fetch all dependencies is to install via pip.

pip install -r requirements.txt

Training and Testing

This implementation contains the Deep Depth from Focus model and a class to run the training and prediction on a provided dataset. Furthermore a datareader class is provided to read hdf5 files containing focal stacks and their corresponding disparity maps.

In order to evaluate the model, an evaluation class is provided. It takes a model checkpoint and a path to the test data (h5 file) and features a method to calculate the errors described in the Deep Depth From Focus paper.

ince the original implementation of Deep Depth From Focus was created in TensorFlow and TFLearn the class DDFFTFLearnEval loads the checkpoint exported from the original model in order to perform the error evlauation. eval_ddff_tflearn.py shows an example of how to use the class.

The pretrained weights exported from the TensorFlow/TFLearn model and converted to a PyTorch compatible dict is available here(159.3MB).

The training process can be started by running run_ddff.py which can be provided with a training dataset passing the parameter --dataset. To evaulate the results the generated checkpoint file can be loaded as shown in eval_ddff.py which calculates the error metrics on a test dataset.


To train the network on the dataset introduced in the Deep Depth From Focus paper run_ddff.py has to be run with respective arguments specifying where the dataset is located and other hyper parameters that can be inspected by passing the argument -h. The datareader class requires the provided h5 file to contain a key for the focal stacks (default: "stack_train") and a key for the corresponding disparity maps (default: "disp_train") that can be passed during initialization of the reader.

Data preparation

The focal stacks in the hdf5 file have to be of shape [stacksize, height, width, channels] containing values in the range [0,255].

The disparity maps have to be of shape [1, height, width] containing the disparity in pixels. The dataset introduced in the Deep Depth From Focus paper contains disparities in the range [0.0202, 0.2825]

Please download the trainval (12.6GB) and test (761.1MB) hdf5 datasets. Focal stacks can be read as:

import h5py

dataset = h5py.File("ddff-dataset-trainval.h5", "r")
focal_stacks = dataset["stacks_train"]
disparities = dataset["disp_train"]

Please submit your results to the Competition to evaluate on the test set.

Note that test scores are a slightly worse by a margin of 0.0001 (MSE) than the results presented on the paper due to the framework switch.


If you use this code or the publicly shared model, please cite the following paper.

Caner Hazirbas, Sebastian Georg Soyer, Maximilian Christian Staab, Laura Leal-Taixé and Daniel Cremers, "Deep Depth From Focus", ACCV, 2018. (arXiv)

 author    = {C. Hazirbas and S. G. Soyer and M. C. Staab and L. Leal-Taixé and D. Cremers},
 title     = {Deep Depth From Focus},
 booktitle = {Asian Conference on Computer Vision (ACCV)},
 year      = {2018},
 month     = {December},
 eprint    = {1704.01085},
 url       = {https://hazirbas.com/projects/ddff/},


The code is released under GNU General Public License Version 3 (GPLv3).