
Hold me in your arms now. Carry me to that cherry blossom tree.

Primary LanguageScala


Initially a project aimed as a commercial software, here is a demo for it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=97lAMRrAcF4&feature=youtu.be

compile/run/deploy as a standard Play app

for local deployment, you need a Postgres database instance at localhost:5432/cherrytree, details see application.conf

test with sbt sharedJVM/test, sbt sharedJVM/testOnly xxx etc.

coding guideline

  • static assertion is by assert and doc
  • dynamic check use exception

read the code?

  • shared/.../model: abstract and pure functions
    • data: data object definition, serialization
    • cursor: data type for cursor inside data
    • range: data type for range inside data, from left to right style
    • operation: operation definition on data
    • conflict, transaction: helper definitions
    • ot operational transformation for operations
  • shared/.../client: abstract client
    • shared/.../undoer, etc.: part of client functionality separated out
  • jvm: abstract server implementation
  • js the web client