100 days of code

Day Date Study Practice
20 June 7 2024 CSS background image property Puzzle project:
- implemented pronunciation hint visibility toggle
19 June 6 2024 SVG animations Puzzle project:
- implemented pronunciation hint
- animated hint button during playback
18 June 4 2024 Mediator pattern
SVG animations
Puzzle project:
- implemented translation hint
17 June 1 2024 CSS mask, CSS clip-path Puzzle project:
- transformed the word cards into puzzle pieces with interlocking shapes on their sides
16 May 31 2024 Data attributes Puzzle project:
- finished implementing drag-n-drop
- refactored state management
- changed minor styles
15 May 30 2024 Mouse events, event delegation Puzzle project:
- implemented drag-n-drop (in progress)
14 May 27 2024 Drag-n-drop implementations Leetcode: solved 9
13 May 26 2024 Leetcode: solved 344, 2703
12 May 25 2024 Drag-n-Drop native API
Custom drag-n-drop implementation
Leetcode: solved 67
Puzzle project:
- implementing drag-n-drop feature (in progress)
11 May 24 2024 Leetcode: solved 724, 747, 66
Puzzle project:
- continued state management refactoring
- implemented empty cells for selected/deselected words
10 May 23 2024 Leetcode: solved 1, 448
9 May 22 2024 Leetcode: solved 905, 283, 1051, 414
Puzzle project:
- refactored state management
8 May 21 2024 Leetcode: solved 26, 1346, 941, 1299
Puzzle project:
- implemented autocomplete button
7 May 20 2024 Leetcode: solved 27, 88
Puzzle project:
- implemented check answer button
6 May 19 2024 Leetcode: solved 485, 1295, 977, 1089
5 May 18 2024 Array Data Structure
Observer pattern
Leetcode: sovled 1342, 876, 383
Puzzle project:
- created a game page with words field and result field
- implemented moving cards to result field
4 May 17 2024 Big O notation Leetcode: solved a couple beginner problems for a start
Puzzle project:
- created start page with rules and description
- displayed greeting message
3 May 16 2024 Typescript Utility Types Leetcode: sovled 1342, 876, 383
- refactored component creation
- refactored routing
- added not found page
2 May 15 2024 Puzzle project:
- implemented routing;
- implemented authorization;
- set up netlify deployment;
1 May 14 2024 Css absolute vs relative units (good article on this topic) - Continued development of Puzzle project: basic authentication
Set up Github Project for Puzzle project - no more committing straight to master!