
Node JS + Commander JS

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This package is tools for increase projects version.


Just write down these commands in your (terminal/console):

Clone project:

npm i @d.shmaliuk/git-bump-cli -g

or use next command:

git clone git+https://github.com/DmitriyShmaliuk/git-bump-cli.git#VERSION

Install dependencies: npm i

Linking the package: npm link


Short form Long form Descriptions
-V --version Output the version number
-h --help Display help for command
-p --patch Increase patch version
-mr --minor Increase minor version
-mj --major Increase major version
--no-tag Dont't create git tag
--no-merge Dont't merge branches
--push Push to the remote repository


  • You have to commit all files before start to use some commands from this package. Otherwise a command will fail.


$ git-bump --patch

$ git-bump --minor

$ git-bump --major

$ git-bump --patch --no-tag

$ git-bump --patch --no-merge

$ git-bump --patch --push

Last version:

V0.0.14 - 21.08.2020