This repository contains code for Vesuvius Kaggle Competition.
Kaggle Competition -
My results
- Public
- Private
-> 3 middle layers -> UNet(backbone="mit_b1") ->
9 middle layers -> 3 middle layers -> UNet(backbone="mit_b2") -> Conv2d -> BCELoss -> Predict
-> 3 middle layers -> UNet(backbone="mit_b1") ->
| mit_b2 | -> MeanPooling(Max, Min) -> | UNet | -> BCE(Dice loss)
| UNet | -> MeanPooling(Max, Min) -> | decoder |
32 middle channels -> | encoder | -> MeanPooling(Max, Min) -> | scse |
| | -> MeanPooling(Max, Min) -> | |
|| -> MeanPooling(Max, Min) -> ||
| mit_b2 | -> MeanPooling(Max, Min) -> | MaNet | -> BCE(Dice loss)
| UNet | -> MeanPooling(Max, Min) -> | decoder |
32 middle channels -> | encoder | -> MeanPooling(Max, Min) -> | |
| | -> MeanPooling(Max, Min) -> | |
|| -> MeanPooling(Max, Min) -> ||
|resnet101d| -> MeanPooling(Max, Min) -> | UNet++ | -> BCE(Dice loss)
| UNet | -> MeanPooling(Max, Min) -> | decoder |
32 middle channels -> | encoder | -> MeanPooling(Max, Min) -> | scse |
| | -> MeanPooling(Max, Min) -> | |
|| -> MeanPooling(Max, Min) -> ||
- GradualWarmupSchedulerV2 (
Rotations :
- 90
- 180
- 270
2-nd scroll has been divided into two folds
- UnetMeanpooled 4folds
- 32 channel from 16 to 48 with stride 2
- TTA rotations
- GradualWarmupSchedulerV2
- 8 models in total (4 with best CV F_0.5 and 4 with best BCE)