
Settings and steps to enable fancy terminal prompt for Windows Terminal

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Fancy Terminal Prompt

Settings and steps to enable fancy terminal prompt for Windows Terminal

Steps from this video.

Step 1: Install nerd fonts

  1. Download font from nerdfonts.com. For example, JetBrainsMono Nerd Font
  2. Extract archive
  3. Select all font files > Right click > Install for all users

Step 2: Configure Terminals to use installed font

Configure Windows Terminal

  1. Open Terminal settings > Defaults > Appearance
  2. Under Text > Font face - select the installed Nerd Mono font
  3. [Optional] Adjust Color scheme. (I selected "One Half Dark")
  4. [Optional] Adjust Transparency. (I selected 90% and enabled Acrylic material)

Configure VsCode Terminal

Note: This does not work the best with the font I've tried: JetBrainsMono Nerd Font. Maybe it'd work better with other fonts.

  1. Open VsCode settings
  2. Set "terminal.integrated.fontFamily": "[Name of the Nerd Font]"
  3. Restart VsCode

Step 3: Setup Starship on Windows

  1. Install following Instructions for Windows - (using MSI installer is the easiest)
  2. code $PROFILE
  3. Add this at the end:
    $ENV:STARSHIP_CONFIG = "$HOME\.starship\starship.toml"
    $ENV:STARSHIP_DISTRO = "者 xcad"
    Invoke-Expression (&starship init powershell)
  4. code $HOME\.starship\starship.toml
  5. Paste contents of Startship config file and save
  6. Restart Terminal

Step 4: Setup Startship on WSL2 Linux

  1. Install following Instructions for Linux
  2. vim ~/.bashrc
  3. Add this at the end:
    eval "$(starship init bash)"
  4. source ~/.bashrc
  5. mkdir -p ~/.config && touch ~/.config/starship.toml
  6. vim ~/.config/starship.toml
  7. Paste contents of Startship config file and save