This project is aimed at creating a Web portal starter template within the Vagrant-Ansible development environment. It uses Python, Flask and Postgresql on the server side and React, Flux and Material-UI on the client side.
I made it to save me time when starting new projects... Hope it is usefull to others!
Development environment
- Vagrant 1.9.5
- Virtualbox 5.0.32
- Ansible
- PyCharm 2017.1
The API server
- Python 3
- Flask 0.12
- postgresql 9.6
- SQLAlchemy 1.1.9
- Alembic 0.9.1
- For up-to-date Python packages list see "flask_api/requirements.txt"
The client
- React 15.5.4
- Flux 3.1.2
- Material-UI 0.18.1
- Babel 6.23.0 (for dev)
- Webpack 2.6.1 (for dev)
- For up-to-date NPM packages list see "web_root/package.json"
- In your vafr clone directory
- cp ansible/host-vagrant-vafr.model host-vagrant-vafr
- edit host-vagrant-vafr to your project especially the host names and Secret keys
- On your host machine.
- edit your /etc/hosts to add an entry for your dev server (see Vagrantfile).
- Add an entry for your local project host name pointing to the corresponding IP in the vagrant file (I add pointing to
- Install vagrant, ansible and virtualbox
cd in vafr clone directory
vagrant up vafr
vagrant ssh vafr
- Setup the Database
cd in vafr clone directory
vagrant ssh vafr
cd /vagrant/flask_api
source venv/bin/activate
alembic upgrade head
- The Flask API server
cd /vagrant/flask_api
source venv/bin/activate
- The Client
- Ansible fired webpack once to compile the javascript. To recompile while developping use the following command
cd /vagrant/web_root
webpack --colors (to manually recompile the bundle.js)
webpack --colors --progress --watch (for automatic recompile upon code changes)
- There are no authentication check mechanism implemented yet (login = password). There are two users in the database initially so you can try the login page upfront:
- login169 (pwd=login169) : Regular user
- login221 (pwd=login221) : Admin user
To my employers
- Centre de calcul scientifique, Université de Sherbrooke, Québec, Canada
- Calcul Quebec (
- Calcul Canada (
To the projects I am involved in:
- GenAP (
- CanDIG (Canadian Distributed cyber-Infrastructure for Genomics)
To Maxime Lévesque ( I used bits and pieces of his codes here and there.