Script works both with python2 and python3 and requires psycopg2
module be installed (using pip
or yum install python-psycopg2
To run the script a config file enstore2cta.yaml
must exist in
current directory or be pointed at by MIGRATION_CONFIG environment variable.
Look for example in enstore2cta/etc. It must have "0600" permission
$ python
usage: [-h] [--label LABEL] [--all] [--skip_locations] [--add]
[--storage_class STORAGE_CLASS] [--vo VO]
[--cpu_count CPU_COUNT]
This script converts Enstore metadata to CTA metadata. It looks for YAML
configuration file pointed to by MIGRATION_CONFIG environment variable or, if
it is not defined, it looks for file enstore2cta.yaml in current directory.
Script will quit if configuration YAML is not found.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--label LABEL comma separated list of labels (default: None)
--all do all labels (default: False)
--skip_locations skip filling chimera locations (good for testing)
(default: False)
--add add volume(s) to existing system, do not create vos,
pools, archive_routes etc. These need to pre-exist in
CTA db (default: False)
--storage_class STORAGE_CLASS
Add storage class corresponding to volume. Needed when
adding single volume to existing system using --add
option (default: None)
--vo VO vo corresponding to storage_class. Needed when adding
single volume to existing system using --add option
(default: None)
--cpu_count CPU_COUNT
override cpu count - number of simulateously processed
labels (default: 8)
single volume to existing system using --add option
(default cpu_count is equal to multiprocessing.cpu_count()
The script can work with individual label(s) passed as comma separated values to --label
option. Or it can be invoked with --all
switch to migrate all labels. The migration is done by label.
Additionally, on an existing CTA systenm one can use
option to add a volume also specifying its --storage_class
(e.g. "") and --vo
(e.g. "cms").
Script expects configuration file enstore2cta.yaml
in current directory or pointed to by environment variable MIGRATION_CONFIG
. The yaml file has to have "0600" permission bits and has to have the following parameters defned:
# name of the disk instance
# will be created if no "--add" option is used
disk_instance_name: dCache
# ucomment and modify when adding single volume
# to existing system usinf "--add" option
# tape_pool_name must exist in CTA
#tape_pool_name: ctasystest
# DB connection parameters,
# cta_db and chimera_db require r/w access
cta_db: postgresql://user:password@host:port/db_name
enstore_db: postgresql://user:password@host:port/db_name
chimera_db: postgresql://user:password@host:port/db_name
# Enstore to CTA media_type map.
# map from Enstore LMs to CTA logical library name(s)
# this map is used if there is desire to map existing
# Enstore LMs to pre-created CTA logical libraries
# If this map is comemnted out Enstore LMs will be re-created
# as CTA logical libraries
# ucomment and modify when adding single volume to existing system
# destination logical_library_name must exist in CTA
# CD-LTO8F1: TS4500G1
# CD-LTO8F1T: TS4500G1
# CD-LTO8G1: TS4500G1
# CD-LTO8G1T: TS4500G1
# CD-LTO8G2: TS4500G1
# CD-LTO8G2T: TS4500G1
# TFF1-LTO9: TS4500G1
# TFF1-LTO9T: TS4500G1
# TFF2-LTO9: TS4500G1
# TFF2-LTO9M: TS4500G1
# TFF2-LTO9T: TS4500G1
# TFF1-LTO8: TS4500G1