
Hi there, sorry for the delay. Only had chance to do it today.

So we should assume some limitiations in this solution. First of all because of time I can spend (~4-5 hrs) and reality of such solutions. To create a trully cool file manager app, we should spend at least few weeaks. It includes UI, UX, product, QA and many other inputs. Limitinations in this solution:

  • Do not have pretty UI/UX
  • Do not have prod ready tests
  • Written in vanila js
  • Doesn't scale
  • Doesn't do replics


I've not written tests :( To write tests for this solution I'd use jest with snapshot testing (if we are talking about react or vue) and I'd test every function/action/reducer/component/e2e (using enzyme). As you've may noticed I wrote pretty good composoble code, with a lot of functions and each of that can be tested. In the peretty common way:


To test async stuff I'd use fake server to mock API.

How to run?

  • Clone repo
  • run npm install
  • run sails lift
  • go to localhost:1337