The library for Kotlin provide functions for easy execution of tasks in thread use lambda style, and send lambda for update UI (like runOnUiThread in Android) the library is currently under testing
0.4.3b current
dependencies update
0.3.3b current
improvements usage from Java
dependencies fix
provider return real classes
Add LifeCycle support
Add HandlerThread Executor
first version
1 in project level build.gradle add:
allprojects {
repositories {
maven { url "" }
or in setting.gradle add:
dependencyResolutionManagement {
repositories {
maven { url '' }
2 in module level build.gradle add:
dependencies {
implementation 'com.github.DmitryStarkin:android_async_lib:version'
If you need to execute code asynchronously, just use one of
the functions provided by the library.
You can pass a callback to the function to process the result and to handle the error.
Operations are performed using an executor that is passed as the first parameter.
The library contains a Class that provides implementations of Executor:
globalSingleTreadPoll - operations are performed on a ThreadPool with a single thread that exists in a single instance within the application process.
globalMultiThreadPoll - operations are performed on a ThreadPool with a starting number of threads equal to the number of processors + 1
and a maximum number of threads equal to the number of processors * 2. this pool exists in a single instance within the application process.
newSingleThreadPoll() - the same as globalSingleTreadPoll but return new instance each time
newMultiThreadPoll() - the same as globalMultiThreadPoll but return new instance each time
newThread() - a new Thread is created for execution each time
newHandlerThread() - a new HandlerThread is created for execution each time
currentThread() - task is performed in the calling thread
mainThread() - task is performed in the main thread
Executors, in addition to global ones, can be linked to the Lifecycle of an Activity or Fragment using the connectToLifecycle(owner: LifecycleOwner) method
There are extensions for LifecycleOwner that do this automatically
You can use your own implementation of the Executor (see ThreadPoolExecutor for example)
or get it using Java factory Executors See Executors
For convenience the library includes extension functions for the Executor interface
Regardless of where the task is executed callbacks are always executed in the main thread
See Docs
class SomeClass : AppCompatActivity() {
private val textView: TextView = TextView(this) //for example
var thread: Thread? = null
private val executor =
this.getHandlerThread() //HandlerThread executor associated with the lifecycle of this activity
private val executor2 =
newHandlerThread().apply { connectToLifecycle(this@SomeClass) } //do the same
fun someFun() {
val inputStream: InputStream = File("example.txt").inputStream()
//start operation on new Thread
thread = inputStream.runOnThread(
{ text -> textView.text = text },// callback on main thread
{ e -> textView.text = e.toString() })// callback on main thread
bufferedReader().use { it.readText() }// execute on new thread
fun someFun1() {
val file = File("example.txt")
thread = file.processingOnThread(
{ text -> textView.text = text }, // callback on main thread
{ e -> textView.text = e.toString() })// callback on main thread
{ _file ->
_file.inputStream().bufferedReader().use { it.readText() }// execute on new thread
fun someFun2() {
val file = File("example.txt")
thread = handleOnThread(
{ text -> textView.text = text }, // callback on main thread
{ e -> textView.text = e.toString() }) // callback on main thread
.use { reader -> reader.readText() }// execute on new thread, it represent parameter file
fun someFun3() {
val file = File("example.txt")
//start operation on given Executor
{ text -> textView.text = text }, // callback on main thread
{ e -> textView.text = e.toString() }) // callback on main thread
.use { it.readText() }// execute on threadPool, file captured in closure
fun someFun4() {
val file = File("example.txt")
//start operation on given Executor
{ text -> textView.text = text }) // callback on main thread
// stub error wil be use (just throws error)
{ inputStream().bufferedReader().use { it.readText() } }// execute on threadPool
fun someFun5() {
// does the same as the previous function but uses a pre installed thread pool
val file = File("example.txt")
file.runOnGlobalSinglePool({ text -> textView.text = text }) // callback on main thread
// stub error wil be use (just throws error)
inputStream().bufferedReader().use { it.readText() } // execute on threadPool
fun someFun6() {
// print new value in textView every 1 second 100 times
runOnGlobalSinglePool { // start task on single threadPoll use stub as result and error callbacks
for (i in 0..100) {
runOnUI { textView.text = i.toString() } // execute lambda on UI thread
fun someFun7() {
val file = File("example.txt")
//start operation on on HandlerThread
{ text -> textView.text = text }, // callback on main thread
{ e -> textView.text = e.toString() }) // callback on main thread
.use { it.readText() } // execute on threadPool, file captured in closure
fun someFun8() {
// print new value in textView every 1 second 100 times
executor2.launch { // start task on HandlerThread use stub as result and error callbacks
for (i in 0..100) {
runOnUI { textView.text = i.toString() } // execute lambda on UI thread
override fun onDestroy() {
//executor.quit() this call is not needed here because the executor is associated with the lifecycle
//executor2.quit() this call is not needed here because the executor2 is associated with the lifecycle
globalSingleTreadPoll.purge() //clearing the task queue
class TestClass extends AppCompatActivity {
private TextView textField = new TextView(this); //for example
Thread thread = null;
//HandlerThread executor associated with the lifecycle of this activity
HandlerThreadExecutor executor = LifeCycleExecutors.getHandlerThread(this);
HandlerThreadExecutor executor2 = ExecutorsProvider.newHandlerThread();
protected void onCreate(@Nullable Bundle savedInstanceState) {
void someFun() throws FileNotFoundException {
File file = new File("example.txt");
//start operation on new Thread
thread = ThreadUtil.runOnThread(file,
s -> {
return Unit.INSTANCE;
},// callback on main thread in Java code must return Unit.INSTANCE or null :(
e -> {
return null;
}, // callback on main thread in Java code must return Unit.INSTANCE or null :(
f -> {
BufferedReader reader = null;
String text = null;
try {
try {
reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(f));
text = reader.readLine();
} catch (IOException e) {
} finally {
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
return text;
}); // execute on new thread, we must handle some Exception in Java
void someFun1() {
// print new value in textView every 1 second 100 times
AsyncOperation.launch(executor2, u -> { //The function has the unit type that is passed so we must explicitly specify the parameter
for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
int finalI = i;
UiUtil.runInUI(() -> {
return null; // callback on main thread in Java code must return Unit.INSTANCE or null :(
return null; // lambda on main thread in Java code must return Unit.INSTANCE or null :(
void someFun2() {
// print new value in textView every 1 second 100 times.
AsyncOperation.runOnGlobalMultiPool(u -> { //The function has the unit type that is passed so we must explicitly specify the parameter
for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
int finalI = i;
UiUtil.runInUI(() -> {
return null; // callback on main thread in Java code must return Unit.INSTANCE or null :(
return null; // lambda on main thread in Java code must return Unit.INSTANCE or null :(
protected void onDestroy() {
//executor.quit() this call is not needed here because the executor is associated with the lifecycle
//executor2.quit() this call is not needed here because the executor2 is associated with the lifecycle
ExecutorsProvider.getGlobalSingleTreadPoll().purge(); //clearing the task queue