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Game rules

The player starts with one of the chosen hero profiles (4-10 choices) The random Villain is chosen


  • Has preset starting number of 4 different colors “dices” minimum 1 maximum 3
  • Some of the hero profiles have also black but have fewer of the standard ones
  • Each hero has a different setup with different strengths and weaknesses
  • The amount of dice each hero can accumulate is different but the space can be given as a reward as well
  • The black dice are given either for specific heroes (or later as a reward)


  • Has random rectangles representing fighting points based on 4 colors
  • Each rectangle can be a size of 1-4 representing how many dices maximum can be used to fight it.
  • A rectangle of 1 size number is between 1-6
  • The bigger rectangle range is multiplied by size:
  • Size 2 range 2-12
  • Size 3 range 3-18
  • Size 4 range 4-24

Start of the game

  • Player chooses one of many Heroes to play for all the game.

Start of turn

  • The player automatically rolls the dice (or the roll dice button can be introduced)
  • For example, at the start, the player's dice amount number is 3 red, 1 blue, 2 green, 1 yellow. He rolls all the dice at once
  • After the dice are rolled random number is given for each dice between 1-6
  • In this example, player gets 3 red with numbers (5, 2, 4)
  • 1 blue with number (5)
  • 2 green with number (3, 6)
  • 1 yellow with number (3)

Player choice

  • The player uses rolled dice to match villains fighting points
  • Example: villain has a red rectangle of 3 spaces with the number 10 (possibly between 3-18) player uses his rolled dices of red combined (5, 2, 4) to make 11 essentially defending from villain with having more than required points
  • Also, the villain has a rectangle of blue of 2 spaces with the number 7. Player uses blue dice he has of (5) to fill in but he does not have enough blue dices to fill and match no 7 and having 5/7
  • Villain also has the yellow square of 1 space with number 4 and the player can use his yellow dice of (3) to fight back making ¾
  • Every point that is not filled at the end of the turn is deducted from the player's hitpoints in this example 5/7 blue score player would lose 2 life points plus ¾ player would lose 1 life point.
  • For every fighting point fight player gets a point for his high score in total 11/10 = 10 points, 5/7= 5 points,¾ = 3 points, total 18 points
  • Additionally every point that is over the limit rewards double points 11/10 = 1 over limit = 2 extra points.
  • Total high score points 20
  • Finally, the villain has no green fight points, and since the player has 2 green leftover dice of (3, 6) he has few choices:
  • Either keep the dices and use it on the next game round, essentially having next turn 4 green dices, 2 from round 1 and 2 from round 2
  • The player also can choose to throw 2 dice into a bucket and get the average (lowered down) number of both dice in black color For Example (3, 6) green would turn into (4) black, (see below for black dice)
  • With (4) black, in hand player has now a choice to use it maybe instead of yellow or add it extra to blue making 4/4 yellow, and save yellow dice for a later round or 5+4/7 for blue making 9/7, in both cases saving some life points and earning extra points

Black dice

  • The bucket can take any mix-or-match colors, not necessarily 2 of the same color. For example, you can mix one blue and one red and get black dice instead.
  • Black dice are more valuable because they can be used on any color, unlike others that have to match. Black would also be able to use in the buckets to turn into another black. For example, you can throw in tho a bucket (1) black and (6) red to get (3) black and use it to cover some space that requires 3 or 2

End of round

  • Once a player has made all decisions he can end round and this happens:
  • All high score points are calculated as per the previous explanation
  • The reward is given to a player. The choices should be made at this point regarding what reward the player can take of either: of 3 choices
  • 2 standard color dices (chosen at random, some opponents have bigger chances for specific colors),
  • 1 additional space for dice storage (chosen random color out of all 5 colors)
  • 1 black dice
  • Life restoration
  • Some more ides can be implemented in a future

Example 1: reward could be a choice of 2 dice (1 blue and 1 red) OR 2 dice (1 yellow and 1 red) OR 1 extra space for blue

Example 2: reward could be a choice of 2 dice (1 green and 1 yellow) OR 2 dice (2 yellow) OR 1 black dice

Example 2: reward could be health restoration (7 points) OR 2 dice (1 green and 1 blue) OR 1 extra space for green dice

Game rounds:

  • Start of every round opponent is given 6 random color fighting points plus 1 extra for each round so (round 5 will be 11 in total).
  • Each fighting point can be individual or blended together 1-4 squares making up the total sum of 11 as per previous example

Deployed link

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Name LinkedIn GitHub
Sherry Andres Bhutia LinkedIn GitHub
Berat Zorlu LinkedIn GitHub
Niclas Tanskanen LinkedIn GitHub
Danni Power LinkedIn GitHub
Oluwaseun Omisakin LinkedIn GitHub
Erikas Ramanauskas LinkedIn GitHub
Krystal Juvrud LinkedIn GitHub
Renaldas Bendikas LinkedIn GitHub
Hilla Muraja LinkedIn GitHub