An ever so slightly less painful version of Brain****. Interpreter written in Java.
Create a file with the extension .bp. By default all non-command characters are ignored as comments.
To execute the program, compile and run the Main class: javac && java Main <your-file-name>.bp
The basic commands are the same, however two new commands have been added:
^{value} moves the pointer to the 'value'th cell
={value} sets the current cell to 'value'
^{10} moves the pointer to the 10th cell
={100} sets the current cell to 100
={'h'} sets the current cell to the ascii value of 'h'
The command{value}
syntax allows you to write long chains of commands in a more concise manner:
instead of:
you can use:
same with decrement:
you can also use this syntax for pointer movement:
Anywhere you can use command{number} you can also use command{'character'}. For example instead of:
to print a 0 character (ascii 48) you can use:
note that by default the interpreter prints the value of the cell in decimal, so the above would print 48 not 0. to print the ascii character, you can add a value argument to the . command:
'c' is for character.
input also is read in decimal format, so ,.
with an input of 0 would print 0 not 48.
to read the ascii value of a character, you can add a value argument to the . command:
the above would print 48 upon entering 0.
- Increment : +{value:1}
- Decrement : -{value:1}
- Set : ={value:0}
- Move Right : >{value:1}
- Move Left : <{value:1}
- Move value : ^{value:0}
- Start Block : [
- Close Block : ]
- Get Char : ,
- Print Char : .