The extension for LibreOffice Calc that's allows LibreOffice to get data from rest server.
- 7dirInternet
- alexjorgef@augentic-tech
- arachanmaruki co,.ltd
- cardozogpBrazil
- cat-herderDenver, Colorado
- ChemicalRascalVictoria, Australia
- cristoperOrange Noise Production Company (@Orange-Noise)
- dessalines
- dmgr
- flyasky
- HiranyalokaHiranyaloka
- imatesiuISTI-CNR
- imrveljZagreb, Croatia
- jasoncooke
- jjdevbiz
- kartman10
- lassanaBrest, Belarus
- Lewiscowles1986Techlete Ltd
- louiscklawHong Kong
- majorsilence@TownSuite
- niyaz-ahmad
- nogajunfeelflows
- nono2357Paris, France
- papou84
- pkt
- romani
- sinayion
- stanleylhsHong Kong
- t0mmiliPoland
- ThomasG77WebGeoDataVore
- timt-oss
- tinducvo
- TomiToivioHelsinki University
- uniconstructor
- vishalbelsare
- XavierMarchena