
The MVP which has role-based security, sql database and solve subject domain

Primary LanguageJava


The MVP which has role-based security, sql database and solve subject domain


  • This is MVP of ordering trips to the planets of the solar system;
  • It is role-based security to protect access to some resource;
  • The project which connected to relational database to store information about trips, orders and users.


Java 17, Java Servlets, SQL, MySQL HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Java Server Pages (JSPs);


  • install intellej idea;
  • install MySQL ver. 8.0.26+;
  • install Tomcat ver. 10.0.x.

How to Run?

  • Create database 'space_trip' and business-function using scripts from loder 'sql';
  • Configure tomcat to intellej idea and run project.