Hi , I'm Dnyaneshwari Kolapkar

Third Year B.Tech student pursuing Information Technology degree.

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About Me:

  • 💻 Open-Source and CyberSecurity Enthusiast!
  • 🕸️ I’m currently learning Web Development
  • 📝 I’m currently working on improving my problem solving skills
  • 📫 How to reach me kolapkardnyaneshwari@gmail.com
  • 💬 Talk to me about books, origami and anything related to technology.


c cplusplus python kotlin


Visual Studio Code Git GitHub Android Studio

💻 WorkStation

Kali_Linux Windows

Find me

https://www.codechef.com/users/dnyan https://leetcode.com/dnyanK/ https://codeforces.com/profile/dnyan_K
