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Key | Type | Default | Description |
domain | string | "" |
domain to use for virtual service |
monitoring.enabled | bool | false |
Toggle monitoring integration, only used if init job is enabled, creates required metrics user, serviceMonitor, networkPolicy, etc |
monitoring.serviceMonitor.scheme | string | "" |
monitoring.serviceMonitor.tlsConfig | object | {} |
sso | object | {"cert":"","client_id":"","console_url":"","enabled":false,"groups":"","idp_url":"","issuer_uri":"","provider_name":"","provider_type":"shibboleth"} |
Configuration of Twistlock's SAML SSO capability. This requires init.enabled =true , valid credentials, and a valid license. Refer to docs/ for additional information. |
sso.enabled | bool | false |
Toggle SAML SSO |
sso.client_id | string | "" |
SAML client ID |
sso.provider_name | string | "" |
SAML Povider Alias (optional) |
sso.provider_type | string | "shibboleth" |
SAML Identity Provider. shibboleth is recommended by Twistlock support for Keycloak |
sso.issuer_uri | string | "" |
Identity Provider url with path to realm, example: |
sso.idp_url | string | "" |
SAML Identity Provider SSO URL, example:" |
sso.console_url | string | "" |
Console URL of the Twistlock app. Example: (optional) |
sso.groups | string | "" |
Groups attribute (optional) |
sso.cert | string | "" |
X.509 Certificate from Identity Provider (i.e. Keycloak). See docs/ for format. Use the ` |
istio.enabled | bool | false |
Toggle istio integration |
istio.mtls | object | {"mode":"STRICT"} |
Default twistlock peer authentication |
istio.mtls.mode | string | "STRICT" |
STRICT = Allow only mutual TLS traffic, PERMISSIVE = Allow both plain text and mutual TLS traffic |
istio.console.enabled | bool | true |
Toggle vs creation |
istio.console.annotations | object | {} |
Annotations for VS |
istio.console.labels | object | {} |
Labels for VS |
istio.console.gateways | list | ["istio-system/main"] |
Gateways for VS |
istio.console.hosts | list | ["twistlock.{{ .Values.domain }}"] |
Hosts for VS |
networkPolicies.enabled | bool | false |
Toggle network policies |
networkPolicies.ingressLabels | object | {"app":"istio-ingressgateway","istio":"ingressgateway"} |
Labels for ingress pods to allow traffic |
networkPolicies.controlPlaneCidr | string | "" |
Control Plane CIDR to allow init job communication to the Kubernetes API. Use kubectl get endpoints kubernetes to get the CIDR range needed for your cluster |
networkPolicies.nodeCidr | string | nil |
Node CIDR to allow defender to communicate with console. Defaults to allowing "" "" "" "" networks. use kubectl get nodes -owide and review the INTERNAL-IP column to derive CIDR range. Must be an IP CIDR range (x.x.x.x/x - ideally a /16 or /24 to include multiple IPs) |
imagePullSecrets | list | [] |
Defines the secrets to use when pulling the container images NOTE: Only first entry in the list will be used for Defender deployment |
selinuxLabel | string | "disable" |
Run Twistlock Console and Defender with a dedicated SELinux label. See |
systemd | object | {"enabled":false} |
systemd configuration |
systemd.enabled | bool | false |
option to install Twistlock as systemd service. true or false |
console.dataRecovery | bool | true |
Enables or Disables data recovery. Values: true or false. |
console.image.repository | string | "" |
Full image name for console |
console.image.tag | string | "30.02.123" |
Full image tag for console |
console.image.imagePullPolicy | string | "IfNotPresent" |
Pull policy for console image |
console.ports.managementHttp | int | 8081 |
Enables the management HTTP listener. |
console.ports.managementHttps | int | 8083 |
Enables the management HTTPS listener. |
console.ports.communication | int | 8084 |
Sets the port for communication between the Defender(s) and the Console |
console.securityContext | object | {"capabilities":{"drop":["ALL"]},"readOnlyRootFilesystem":true,"runAsGroup":2674,"runAsNonRoot":true,"runAsUser":2674} |
Sets the container security context for the console |
console.persistence.size | string | "100Gi" |
Size of Twistlock PVC |
console.persistence.accessMode | string | "ReadWriteOnce" |
Access mode for Twistlock PVC |
console.syslogAuditIntegration | object | {"enabled":false} |
Enable syslog audit feature When integrating with BigBang, make sure to include an exception to Gatekeeper and/or Kyverno for Volume Types. |
console.disableCgroupLimits | bool | false |
Controls console container's resource constraints. Set to "true" to run without limits. See |
console.license | string | "" |
The license key to use. If not specified, the license must be installed manually. |
console.runAsRoot | bool | false |
Run Twistlock Console processes as root (default false, twistlock user account). Values: true or false |
console.credentials | object | {"password":"change_this_password","username":"admin"} |
Required if init is enabled. Admin account to use for configuration through API. Will create account if Twistlock is a new install. Otherwise, an existing account needs to be provided. |
console.credentials.username | string | "admin" |
Username of account |
console.credentials.password | string | "change_this_password" |
Password of account |
console.additionalUsers | list | [] |
Additional users to setup. This requires init.enabled =true , valid credentials, and a valid license. |
console.updateUsers | bool | false |
console.groups | list | [] |
Additional users to setup. This requires init.enabled =true , valid credentials, and a valid license. |
console.options.enabled | bool | true |
Toggle setting all options in this section | | object | {"container":true,"host":true} |
Network monitoring options | | bool | true |
Toggle network monitoring of containers | | bool | true |
Toggle network monitoring of hosts |
console.options.logging | bool | true |
Toggle logging Prisma Cloud events to standard output |
console.options.telemetry | bool | false |
Toggle sending product usage data to Palo Alto Networks |
console.volumeUpgrade | bool | true |
This value should be enabled when upgrading from a version <=0.10.0-bb.1 in order to allow the console to run as non-root |
console.trustedImages | object | {"defaultEffect":"alert","enabled":true,"name":"BigBang-Trusted","registryMatches":["*"]} |
Trusted images settings |
console.trustedImages.enabled | bool | true |
Toggle deployment and updating of trusted image settings |
console.trustedImages.registryMatches | list | ["*"] |
List of regex matches for images to trust | | string | "BigBang-Trusted" |
Name for the group/rule to display in console |
console.trustedImages.defaultEffect | string | "alert" |
Effect for images that do not match the trusted registry, can be "alert" or "block" |
defender | object | {"certCn":"","clusterName":"","collectLabels":true,"containerRuntime":"containerd","dockerListenerType":"","dockerSocket":"","enabled":true,"image":{"repository":"","tag":"30.02.123"},"monitorServiceAccounts":true,"privileged":false,"proxy":{},"securityCapabilitiesDrop":["ALL"],"selinux":true,"tolerations":[],"uniqueHostName":false} |
Configuration of Twistlock's container defenders. This requires init.enabled =true , valid credentials, and a valid license. |
defender.image | object | {"repository":"","tag":"30.02.123"} |
Image for Twistlock defender. Leave blank to use twistlock official repo. |
defender.image.repository | string | "" |
Repository and path for defender image |
defender.image.tag | string | "30.02.123" |
Image tag for defender |
defender.clusterName | string | "" |
Name of cluster |
defender.collectLabels | bool | true |
Collect Deployment and Namespace labels |
defender.containerRuntime | string | "containerd" |
Set containerRuntime option for Defenders ("docker", "containerd", or "crio") |
defender.dockerSocket | string | "" |
Path to Docker socket. Leave blank to use /var/run/docker.sock |
defender.tolerations | list | [] |
List of tolerations to be added to the Defender DaemonSet retrieved during the init script |
defender.securityCapabilitiesDrop | list | ["ALL"] |
Sets the container security context dropped capabilities for the defenders |
defender.dockerListenerType | string | "" |
Sets the type of the Docker listener (TCP or NONE) |
defender.monitorServiceAccounts | bool | true |
Monitor service accounts |
defender.privileged | bool | false |
Run as privileged. If selinux is true , this automatically gets set to false |
defender.proxy | object | {} |
Proxy settings |
defender.selinux | bool | true |
Deploy with SELinux Policy |
defender.uniqueHostName | bool | false |
Assign globally unique names to hosts |
policies | object | {"compliance":{"alertThreshold":"medium","enabled":true,"templates":["DISA STIG","NIST SP 800-190"]},"enabled":true,"name":"Default","runtime":{"enabled":true},"vulnerabilities":{"alertThreshold":"medium","enabled":true}} |
Configures defender policies. This requires init.enabled =true , valid credentials, and a valid license. |
policies.enabled | bool | true |
Toggles configuration of defender policies | | string | "Default" |
Name to use as prefix to policy rules. NOTE: If you change the name after the initial deployment, you may end up with duplicate policy sets and need to manually cleanup old policies. |
policies.vulnerabilities | object | {"alertThreshold":"medium","enabled":true} |
Vulnerability policies |
policies.vulnerabilities.enabled | bool | true |
Toggle deployment and updating of vulnerability policies |
policies.vulnerabilities.alertThreshold | string | "medium" |
The minimum severity to alert on |
policies.compliance | object | {"alertThreshold":"medium","enabled":true,"templates":["DISA STIG","NIST SP 800-190"]} |
Compliance policies |
policies.compliance.enabled | bool | true |
Toggle deployment and updating of compliance policies |
policies.compliance.templates | list | ["DISA STIG","NIST SP 800-190"] |
The policy templates to use. Valid values are 'GDPR', 'DISA STIG', 'PCI', 'NIST SP 800-190', or 'HIPAA' |
policies.runtime | object | {"enabled":true} |
Runtime policies |
policies.runtime.enabled | bool | true |
Toggle deployment and updating of runtime policies |
init | object | {"enabled":true,"image":{"imagePullPolicy":"IfNotPresent","repository":"","tag":"2.0.0"},"resources":{"limits":{"cpu":0.5,"memory":"128Mi"},"requests":{"cpu":0.5,"memory":"128Mi"}}} |
Initialization job. Sets up users, license, container defenders, default policies, and other settings. |
init.enabled | bool | true |
Toggles the initialization on or off |
init.image | object | {"imagePullPolicy":"IfNotPresent","repository":"","tag":"2.0.0"} |
Initialization job image configuration |
init.image.repository | string | "" |
Repository and path to initialization image. Image must contain jq and kubectl |
init.image.tag | string | "2.0.0" |
Initialization image tag |
init.image.imagePullPolicy | string | "IfNotPresent" |
Initialization image pull policy |
affinity | object | {} |
affinity for console pod |
nodeSelector | object | {} |
nodeSelector for console pod |
tolerations | list | [] |
tolerations for console pod |
annotations | object | {} |
annotations for console pod |
resources | object | {"limits":{"cpu":"250m","memory":"2Gi"},"requests":{"cpu":"250m","memory":"2Gi"}} |
resources for console pod |
openshift | bool | false |
Toggle to setup special configuration for OpenShift clusters |
bbtests.enabled | bool | false |
Toggle bbtests on/off for CI/Dev |
bbtests.scripts.image | string | "" |
Image to use for script tests |
bbtests.scripts.envs | object | {"desired_version":"{{ .Values.console.image.tag }}","twistlock_host":"http://twistlock-console.twistlock.svc.cluster.local:8081"} |
Set envs for use in script tests |
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