
Version: 0.13.0-bb.5 AppVersion: 30.02.123

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  • Kubernetes Cluster deployed
  • Kubernetes config installed in ~/.kube/config
  • Helm installed

Install Helm


  • Clone down the repository
  • cd into directory
helm install twistlock chart/


Key Type Default Description
domain string "" domain to use for virtual service
monitoring.enabled bool false Toggle monitoring integration, only used if init job is enabled, creates required metrics user, serviceMonitor, networkPolicy, etc
monitoring.serviceMonitor.scheme string ""
monitoring.serviceMonitor.tlsConfig object {}
sso object {"cert":"","client_id":"","console_url":"","enabled":false,"groups":"","idp_url":"","issuer_uri":"","provider_name":"","provider_type":"shibboleth"} Configuration of Twistlock's SAML SSO capability. This requires init.enabled=true, valid credentials, and a valid license. Refer to docs/ for additional information.
sso.enabled bool false Toggle SAML SSO
sso.client_id string "" SAML client ID
sso.provider_name string "" SAML Povider Alias (optional)
sso.provider_type string "shibboleth" SAML Identity Provider. shibboleth is recommended by Twistlock support for Keycloak
sso.issuer_uri string "" Identity Provider url with path to realm, example:
sso.idp_url string "" SAML Identity Provider SSO URL, example:"
sso.console_url string "" Console URL of the Twistlock app. Example: (optional)
sso.groups string "" Groups attribute (optional)
sso.cert string "" X.509 Certificate from Identity Provider (i.e. Keycloak). See docs/ for format. Use the `
istio.enabled bool false Toggle istio integration
istio.mtls object {"mode":"STRICT"} Default twistlock peer authentication
istio.mtls.mode string "STRICT" STRICT = Allow only mutual TLS traffic, PERMISSIVE = Allow both plain text and mutual TLS traffic
istio.console.enabled bool true Toggle vs creation
istio.console.annotations object {} Annotations for VS
istio.console.labels object {} Labels for VS
istio.console.gateways list ["istio-system/main"] Gateways for VS
istio.console.hosts list ["twistlock.{{ .Values.domain }}"] Hosts for VS
networkPolicies.enabled bool false Toggle network policies
networkPolicies.ingressLabels object {"app":"istio-ingressgateway","istio":"ingressgateway"} Labels for ingress pods to allow traffic
networkPolicies.controlPlaneCidr string "" Control Plane CIDR to allow init job communication to the Kubernetes API. Use kubectl get endpoints kubernetes to get the CIDR range needed for your cluster
networkPolicies.nodeCidr string nil Node CIDR to allow defender to communicate with console. Defaults to allowing "" "" "" "" networks. use kubectl get nodes -owide and review the INTERNAL-IP column to derive CIDR range. Must be an IP CIDR range (x.x.x.x/x - ideally a /16 or /24 to include multiple IPs)
imagePullSecrets list [] Defines the secrets to use when pulling the container images NOTE: Only first entry in the list will be used for Defender deployment
selinuxLabel string "disable" Run Twistlock Console and Defender with a dedicated SELinux label. See
systemd object {"enabled":false} systemd configuration
systemd.enabled bool false option to install Twistlock as systemd service. true or false
console.dataRecovery bool true Enables or Disables data recovery. Values: true or false.
console.image.repository string "" Full image name for console
console.image.tag string "30.02.123" Full image tag for console
console.image.imagePullPolicy string "IfNotPresent" Pull policy for console image
console.ports.managementHttp int 8081 Enables the management HTTP listener.
console.ports.managementHttps int 8083 Enables the management HTTPS listener.
console.ports.communication int 8084 Sets the port for communication between the Defender(s) and the Console
console.securityContext object {"capabilities":{"drop":["ALL"]},"readOnlyRootFilesystem":true,"runAsGroup":2674,"runAsNonRoot":true,"runAsUser":2674} Sets the container security context for the console
console.persistence.size string "100Gi" Size of Twistlock PVC
console.persistence.accessMode string "ReadWriteOnce" Access mode for Twistlock PVC
console.syslogAuditIntegration object {"enabled":false} Enable syslog audit feature When integrating with BigBang, make sure to include an exception to Gatekeeper and/or Kyverno for Volume Types.
console.disableCgroupLimits bool false Controls console container's resource constraints. Set to "true" to run without limits. See
console.license string "" The license key to use. If not specified, the license must be installed manually.
console.runAsRoot bool false Run Twistlock Console processes as root (default false, twistlock user account). Values: true or false
console.credentials object {"password":"change_this_password","username":"admin"} Required if init is enabled. Admin account to use for configuration through API. Will create account if Twistlock is a new install. Otherwise, an existing account needs to be provided.
console.credentials.username string "admin" Username of account
console.credentials.password string "change_this_password" Password of account
console.additionalUsers list [] Additional users to setup. This requires init.enabled=true, valid credentials, and a valid license.
console.updateUsers bool false
console.groups list [] Additional users to setup. This requires init.enabled=true, valid credentials, and a valid license.
console.options.enabled bool true Toggle setting all options in this section object {"container":true,"host":true} Network monitoring options bool true Toggle network monitoring of containers bool true Toggle network monitoring of hosts
console.options.logging bool true Toggle logging Prisma Cloud events to standard output
console.options.telemetry bool false Toggle sending product usage data to Palo Alto Networks
console.volumeUpgrade bool true This value should be enabled when upgrading from a version <=0.10.0-bb.1 in order to allow the console to run as non-root
console.trustedImages object {"defaultEffect":"alert","enabled":true,"name":"BigBang-Trusted","registryMatches":["*"]} Trusted images settings
console.trustedImages.enabled bool true Toggle deployment and updating of trusted image settings
console.trustedImages.registryMatches list ["*"] List of regex matches for images to trust string "BigBang-Trusted" Name for the group/rule to display in console
console.trustedImages.defaultEffect string "alert" Effect for images that do not match the trusted registry, can be "alert" or "block"
defender object {"certCn":"","clusterName":"","collectLabels":true,"containerRuntime":"containerd","dockerListenerType":"","dockerSocket":"","enabled":true,"image":{"repository":"","tag":"30.02.123"},"monitorServiceAccounts":true,"privileged":false,"proxy":{},"securityCapabilitiesDrop":["ALL"],"selinux":true,"tolerations":[],"uniqueHostName":false} Configuration of Twistlock's container defenders. This requires init.enabled=true, valid credentials, and a valid license.
defender.image object {"repository":"","tag":"30.02.123"} Image for Twistlock defender. Leave blank to use twistlock official repo.
defender.image.repository string "" Repository and path for defender image
defender.image.tag string "30.02.123" Image tag for defender
defender.clusterName string "" Name of cluster
defender.collectLabels bool true Collect Deployment and Namespace labels
defender.containerRuntime string "containerd" Set containerRuntime option for Defenders ("docker", "containerd", or "crio")
defender.dockerSocket string "" Path to Docker socket. Leave blank to use /var/run/docker.sock
defender.tolerations list [] List of tolerations to be added to the Defender DaemonSet retrieved during the init script
defender.securityCapabilitiesDrop list ["ALL"] Sets the container security context dropped capabilities for the defenders
defender.dockerListenerType string "" Sets the type of the Docker listener (TCP or NONE)
defender.monitorServiceAccounts bool true Monitor service accounts
defender.privileged bool false Run as privileged. If selinux is true, this automatically gets set to false
defender.proxy object {} Proxy settings
defender.selinux bool true Deploy with SELinux Policy
defender.uniqueHostName bool false Assign globally unique names to hosts
policies object {"compliance":{"alertThreshold":"medium","enabled":true,"templates":["DISA STIG","NIST SP 800-190"]},"enabled":true,"name":"Default","runtime":{"enabled":true},"vulnerabilities":{"alertThreshold":"medium","enabled":true}} Configures defender policies. This requires init.enabled=true, valid credentials, and a valid license.
policies.enabled bool true Toggles configuration of defender policies string "Default" Name to use as prefix to policy rules. NOTE: If you change the name after the initial deployment, you may end up with duplicate policy sets and need to manually cleanup old policies.
policies.vulnerabilities object {"alertThreshold":"medium","enabled":true} Vulnerability policies
policies.vulnerabilities.enabled bool true Toggle deployment and updating of vulnerability policies
policies.vulnerabilities.alertThreshold string "medium" The minimum severity to alert on
policies.compliance object {"alertThreshold":"medium","enabled":true,"templates":["DISA STIG","NIST SP 800-190"]} Compliance policies
policies.compliance.enabled bool true Toggle deployment and updating of compliance policies
policies.compliance.templates list ["DISA STIG","NIST SP 800-190"] The policy templates to use. Valid values are 'GDPR', 'DISA STIG', 'PCI', 'NIST SP 800-190', or 'HIPAA'
policies.runtime object {"enabled":true} Runtime policies
policies.runtime.enabled bool true Toggle deployment and updating of runtime policies
init object {"enabled":true,"image":{"imagePullPolicy":"IfNotPresent","repository":"","tag":"2.0.0"},"resources":{"limits":{"cpu":0.5,"memory":"128Mi"},"requests":{"cpu":0.5,"memory":"128Mi"}}} Initialization job. Sets up users, license, container defenders, default policies, and other settings.
init.enabled bool true Toggles the initialization on or off
init.image object {"imagePullPolicy":"IfNotPresent","repository":"","tag":"2.0.0"} Initialization job image configuration
init.image.repository string "" Repository and path to initialization image. Image must contain jq and kubectl
init.image.tag string "2.0.0" Initialization image tag
init.image.imagePullPolicy string "IfNotPresent" Initialization image pull policy
affinity object {} affinity for console pod
nodeSelector object {} nodeSelector for console pod
tolerations list [] tolerations for console pod
annotations object {} annotations for console pod
resources object {"limits":{"cpu":"250m","memory":"2Gi"},"requests":{"cpu":"250m","memory":"2Gi"}} resources for console pod
openshift bool false Toggle to setup special configuration for OpenShift clusters
bbtests.enabled bool false Toggle bbtests on/off for CI/Dev
bbtests.scripts.image string "" Image to use for script tests
bbtests.scripts.envs object {"desired_version":"{{ .Values.console.image.tag }}","twistlock_host":"http://twistlock-console.twistlock.svc.cluster.local:8081"} Set envs for use in script tests


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