
This is a project 4 of CSED421

Authentification setting

In auth.yaml

student_id: <your student id>
password: <your registration password>

To check correctness

cd auth_test


Downloading solution.txt

Due to restriction on a file upload size, solution.txt file is not uploaded.

Before running the autograder, please download solution.txt



Autograder runs 1) correctness test and 2) performance test.

Correctness Test

  • Outputs error
  • Workloads : 15

Performance Test

  • Outputs runtime
  • Workloads : 15
cd test

Actual test is done by comparison between test/solution.txt and log.txt.

For help your debugging, the autograder gives detailed failure analysis for each tests.

Workload API

  • INSERT {key}: insert object with given key

  • DELETE {key}: delete object with given key

  • SCAN {start operation} {key} {end operation} {key}: fetch & fetch next

How To Dump a Page

To show detailed description about page, please use dump page API like below.

printf("****************************** Dump  ******************************\n");
printf("pageNo of rootPid : %d\n", rootPid.pageNo);
dumpPage.volNo = volId;
printf("Enter the pageNo : ");
if (scanf("%d", &(dumpPage.pageNo)) == 0)
  while(getchar() != '\n');
  printf("Wrong number!!!\n");

e = dumpBtreePage(&dumpPage, kdesc);
if (e == eBADBTREEPAGE_BTM) printf("The page (PID: ( %d, %d )) does not exist in the B+ tree index.\n", dumpPage.volNo, dumpPage. pageNo);
        else if (e < eNOERROR) ERR(e);

Scan Rule

There are four forms of scans

  • SCAN startOp key endOp key
  • SCAN startOp key EOF/BOF
  • SCAN EOF/BOF endOp key

EOF means end of file (the largest object in the file) while BOF means begin of file (the smallest object in the file).

Direction of a scan is determined by second operation(a.k.a end operation)

If end operation is one of GT, GE or BOF, then do backward scan

Else do forward scan.

For example, consider SCAN GE 10 LE 100

This scan starts with 10 which is greater than 10 and less than 100. (Note that if end operation is not BOF/EOF, then we have to check whether selected value satisfies end condition)

Since the end operation is LE, we do forward scan; 10, 11, 12, ...., 100

Consider another example SCAN BOF EOF

This scan starts with the smallest object and ends with the greatest value (so forward scan).


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