
List of XSS Vectors/Payloads


List of XSS Vectors/Payloads i have been collecting since 2015 from different resources like websites,tweets,books..

Most of them are public and everyone is familiar with it but there might be some payloads that are odd and hard to find on the web.

You can use them to bypass WAF and find XSS vulnerabilities, i will try to update the list as possible.

Some of the payloads belong to me but i collected most of them and they have real authors.

some other good sources for XSS:

HTML5 Security Cheatsheet

XSS Payloads Twitter

Brutelogic Blog

XSS Cheat Sheet

Pgaijin66 XSS-Payloads

Swisskyrepo PayloadsAllTheThings


Any suggestion or improvements contact me:
