Scale of Dependencies



This repository aims to demonstrate the significant impact of dependencies on your codebase. Many software projects rely on external libraries and packages to simplify development, but often, the extent of these dependencies can be underestimated. In this project, we shed light on the vast network of code that often goes unnoticed, hidden behind a single line of import statement.


Let's consider a simple Python script as an example:

import numpy

x = numpy.array([1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
y = numpy.array([6])
print(x * y)

At first glance, it may look like we have only written a few lines of code. But consider this: When we include a dependency like numpy, there is more to it than meets the eye. Behind the scenes, importing numpy triggers a cascade of actions that can have a significant impact on your project.

For example, this seemingly simple import numpy line can cause a significant amount of code to be executed. In some cases it can trigger the execution of a package initialisation file, such as In our case, the imports are about 450 lines of code and include another 30 dependencies. If we conservatively assume an average of 300 lines of code per import, that one line of code can add around 9000 lines of code with dependencies to your project.

This represents a staggering 1800-fold increase in the size of your code base - a testament to the hidden complexity that dependencies can bring.

Dependency Management

If we extrapolate this data, we find that your code is only a fraction of the total application, typically as little as 0.01%. The remaining 99.99% is made up of dependencies. This highlights the critical importance of managing dependencies throughout your software development lifecycle (SDLC) and pipeline.

Why Dependency Management Matters

  • Security: Unpatched or outdated dependencies can introduce vulnerabilities into your code. Regularly updating and monitoring dependencies is vital for maintaining a secure application.

  • Code Maintainability: An excessive number of dependencies can make your project harder to understand, maintain, and debug. It's essential to strike a balance between functionality and complexity.

  • Build and Deployment Efficiency: Large dependencies can slow down the build and deployment processes. Efficient management ensures faster development cycles.