WeatherRadar is an Android project for showing cities weather info using OpenWeather API ( Project is written in Kotlin and applies principles of Clean Architecture.
- Showing weather info according to current user's location (city).
- Showing weather info for the upcoming 7-days of the same city.
- Searching for other cities weather info.
- Ability to add to cities favorite list.
- Screen to view cities favorite list.
- Configure between fahrenheit and celsius units.
Project implements MVI Architecture
For applying single responsiblity and seperation of concerns principles, the project consists of three main modules;
- presentation module (app module); contains Android specific components, UI(activities, fragments), viewmodels and contracts(for intents and viewstates)
- data module; contains repositories and data sources implementations (database definition and its DAOs / network APIs definitions), mappers(for remote and item models)
- domain module; contains the definitions of the business logic of the app and the data model,
Project is multi-modular, with a single source for dependencies management (buildSrc->Dependencies)
Koin framework ( is used for Dependency Injection. Koin modules are defined under presentation->base->di
Coroutines ( is used for asynchronous programming.
Retrofit ( and OkHttp ( are used for networks requests/intercept.
Room DB ( is used for caching/saving user's favorites.
Leak Canary ( is used for detecting memory leaks.
Project consists of two different enviroments dev and production.
- Using Workmanager to periodically sync application data with the server and send timely notifications.