Updated 20-Feb-2023
Munge is a collection of data manipulation functions designed to work with the following Rebol distribution:
Its functions are wrapped in a single context named ctx-munge
as-date Convert a string date to a YYYY-MM-DD string (does not handle Excel or YYYYDDMM).
as-time Convert a string time to a HH:MM string (does not handle Excel or HHMMSS).
call-out Call OS command returning STDOUT.
check Verify data structure.
cols? Number of columns in a delimited file or string.
deduplicate Remove earliest occurrences of duplicate non-empty key field.
delimiter? Probable delimiter, with priority given to comma, tab, bar, tilde, then semi-colon.
delta Remove source rows that exist in target.
dezero Remove leading zeroes from string.
difference-only Returns the difference of two tables.
digit DIGIT is a bitset! value: make bitset! #{000000000000FFC0}
digits? Returns TRUE if data not empty and only contains digits.
discard Remove empty columns.
distinct Remove duplicate and empty rows.
enblock Convert a block of values to a block of row blocks.
enzero Add leading zeroes to a string.
excel? Returns TRUE if file is Excel or worksheet is XML.
export Export words to global context.
fields? Column names in a delimited file or string.
filename? Return the file name of a path or url.
first-line Returns the first non-empty line of a file.
flatten Flatten nested block(s).
intersect-only Returns the intersection of two tables.
last-line Returns the last non-empty line of a file.
letter LETTER is a bitset! value: make bitset! #{00000000000000007FFFFFE07FFFFFE0}
letters? Returns TRUE if data only contains letters.
list Uses settings to optionally trim strings and set the new-line marker.
load-dsv Parses delimiter-separated values into row blocks.
load-fixed Loads fixed-width values from a file.
load-xml Loads an Office XML sheet.
max-of Returns the largest value in a series.
merge Join outer block to inner block on primary key.
min-of Returns the smallest value in a series.
mixedcase Converts string of characters to mixedcase.
munge Load and/or manipulate a block of tabular (column and row) values.
oledb Execute an OLEDB statement.
penult Returns the second last value of a series.
read-string Read string from a text file.
replace-deep Replaces all occurences of search values with new values in a block or nested block.
rows? Number of rows in a delimited file or string.
sheets? Excel sheet names.
split-on Split a series into pieces by delimiter.
sqlcmd Execute a SQL Server statement.
sqlite Execute a SQLite statement.
to-column-alpha Convert numeric column reference to an alpha column reference.
to-column-number Convert alpha column reference to a numeric column reference.
to-field-spec Convert field strings to words.
to-string-date Convert a string or Rebol date to a YYYY-MM-DD string.
to-string-time Convert a string or Rebol time to a HH:MM:SS string.
union-only Returns the union of two tables.
unzip Decompresses file from archive.
write-dsv Write block(s) of values to a delimited text file.
write-excel Write block(s) of values to an Excel file.
>> do %munge.r
>> ctx-munge/export bind words-of ctx-munge 'self
>> blk: load-dsv "Name,Age^/Ben,20^/Bob,30^/Rob,40"
== [
["Name" "Age"]
["Ben" "20"]
["Bob" "30"]
["Rob" "40"]
>> munge/where next blk [&Age: to-integer &Age]
== [
["Ben" 20]
["Bob" 30]
["Rob" 40]
Updated 20-Feb-2023
- Function Guide - Lists all available functions in the munge script.
- User Guide - Describes the use of major functions in the munge script.