
Example of git hook for measuring team joy using code as proxy

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Code Joy CircleCI Maintainability Test Coverage

Example of git hooks for measuring code joy

The commit-msg hook will reject commits that do not have a quality rating

The post-update hook will push the accepted commit to the developer view database

Contact Doc Norton if you want your open source project added to Code Joy.


Standard install

  • Copy the lib folder to .git/hooks/ in in any repository where you want to use this local commit hook.
  • rename .git/hooks/commit-msg.rb to .git/hooks/commit-msg
  • make .git/hooks/commit-msg executable
  • rename .git/hooks/post-update.rb to .git/hooks/post-update
  • make .git/hooks/post-update executable
  • rename .git/hooks/joy_config_sample.yml to .git/hooks/joy_config.yml
cp lib/*.* [project-root]/.git/hooks
cd [project-root]
mv .git/hooks/commit-msg.rb .git/hooks/commit-msg
chmod +rx .git/hooks/commit-msg
mv .git/hooks/post-update.rb .git/hooks/post-update
chmod +rx .git/hooks/post-update
mv .git/hooks/joy_config_sample.yml .git/hooks/joy_config.yml

Yorkie Install

Yorkie is a fork of Husky for vue projects. Husky makes git hooks easier to manage.

  • Copy the lib folder to a tj_hooks fiolder off of the root of your project.
  • rename tj_hooks/commit-msg.rb to tj_hooks/commit-msg
  • make tj_hooks/commit-msg executable
  • rename tj_hooks/post-update.rb to tj_hooks/post-update
  • make tj_hooks/post-update executable
  • rename tj_hooks/joy_config_sample.yml to tj_hooks/joy_config.yml
cp lib/*.* [project-root]/tj_hooks
cd [project-root]
mv tj_hooks/commit-msg.rb tj_hooks/commit-msg
chmod +rx tj_hooks/commit-msg
mv tj_hooks/post-update.rb tj_hooks/post-update
chmod +rx tj_hooks/post-update
mv tj_hooks/joy_config_sample.yml tj_hooks/joy_config.yml
  • Update package.json to include the new git hooks:
"gitHooks": {
  "commit-msg": "tj_hooks/commit-msg $GIT_PARAMS",
  "post-commit": "tj_hooks/post-commit $GIT_PARAMS"


Update your joy_config.yml file to allow access to your data store. You will need the URI and Token.

Contact Doc Norton if you want your open source project added to Code Joy.

Head on over to GraphCms if you need a private data store.

Supported data stores include:

  • GraphCms (default)
  type: GraphCms
  uri: https://some.graphcms.com/version/key/branch
  public: true
  token: SomeToken
  path: ./score_file

Basic use

Once installed, all commit messages must contain a quality rating bewtween 0 and 5 in the format of -n- where n is the rating. Rating scale is roughly:

0 - Terrible quality
1 - Very Poor quality
2 - Poor quality
3 - Good quality
4 - Very Good quality
5 - Excellent quality

Usage Examples:

git commit -m"US999999 -3- Added valid threshold check to controller"
This commit message has a rating of 3 (Good quality)

git commit -m"US999999 Added valid threshold check to controller"
This commit message has no rating and will be rejected

git commit -m"US999999 -7- Added valid threshold check to controller"
This commit message has a rating of 7, which is too high, and will be rejected


This git hook can be ignored by using the --no-verify parameter.

git commit -m"US999999 -7- Added valid threshold check to controller" --no-verify
This commit message has a rating of 7, but the commit will be accepted because the no-verify flag will bypass the hook.