With Docker Compose:
docker-compose up
With local nvm, please make sure postgresql is available on localhost:
nvm use
yarn install
export DATABASE_URL=your_postgres_connection_url
export NODE_ENV=production
export JWT_SECRET=secret_secret
yarn run start
Open status endpoint http://localhost:4000
Create new message:
curl -H"Version: 1.0" -H"Content-Type: application/vnd.api+json" -XPOST -d '{"data": {"type": "messages", "attributes": {"body": "this is a new message", "tag": "new"}}}' http://localhost:4000/messages
List messages:
curl -H"Version: 1.0" -H"Content-Type: application/vnd.api+json" http://localhost:4000/messages
List messages with specific tag:
curl -H"Version: 1.0" -H"Content-Type: application/vnd.api+json" http://localhost:4000/messages?filter[tag]=new
First obtain JWT token with HS256 signature using secret configured as JWT_SECRET
environment variable (for docker compose run see docker-compose.yml
The token has to contain valid exp
timestamp and aud
value admin
. For example this payload is likely to be valid:
"aud": "admin",
"exp": 1000000000000
Token can be signed for exmple using online tool on https://jwt.io
Get statistics by year:
curl -H"Version: 1.0" -H"Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" http://localhost:4000/messages-stats?groupBy=year
Get statistics by year and tag:
curl -H"Version: 1.0" -H"Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" http://localhost:4000/messages-stats?groupBy=year-tag
Optionally add from
and/or to
query parameter with ISO8601 formated timestamp to specify range of the statistics generated.
If running locally, tests can be run by
nvm use
yarn run test