
Releases, issues, documentation, website of hexMachina, framework written in Haxe

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT

hexMachina Framework TravisCI Build Status Join the chat at https://gitter.im/DoclerLabs/hexMachina

Repository uses to manage releases, issues, documentation, website of hexMachina Framework.

Source code is split in different repositories :

Organigramme :

|                    hexMachina                    |
|                                                  |
|                   +----------+                   |
|                   |  hexLog  |                   |
|                   +----------+                   |
|                         |                        |
|                         v                        |
|                   +----------+                   |   +---------------+
|       +---------- | hexCore  |<------------------+---|  tink macro   |
|       |           +----------+                   |   +---------------+
|       |                 |                        |
|       v                 v                        |
|  +----------+  +----------------+                |
|  | hexUnit  |  | hexReflection  |                |
|  +----------+  +----------------+                |
|                         |                        |
|                         v                        |
|                +----------------+                |
|                | hexAnnotation  |                |
|                +----------------+                |
|                         |                        |
|                         v                        |
|                +----------------+                |
|                |   hexInject    |                |
|                +----------------+                |
|                   |           |                  |
|                   v           v                  |
|          +------------+  +------------+          |
|          | hexCommand |  |   hexDSL   |          |
|          +------------+  +------------+          |
|                                                  |

Find more information about hexMachina Framework on hexmachina.org