Closest Points Project

This project demonstrates an efficient algorithm for finding the closest points to a given point in three-dimensional space. The implementation uses a binary heap (specifically, a max heap) to optimize the process, allowing for quick identification of the k closest points.

How to Use

Build and run the project: cargo run

The program will generate a random set of points and then find and print the 10 closest points to a randomly chosen test point.

Project Structure

  • The main file containing the implementation and the entry point of the program.
  • Point: A struct representing a point in three-dimensional space.
  • DistancePoint: A struct storing the distance and corresponding point.
  • closest_points function: Finds the k closest points to a given point using a binary heap.

Performance Considerations

The project emphasizes performance by utilizing a binary heap (max heap) for efficiently maintaining the closest points. This allows the program to process a large number of points quickly.


The program measures the execution time and prints the 10 closest points to a randomly chosen test point. The results demonstrate the efficiency of the algorithm in finding the closest points.


  • Time complexity:

    • The generation of the random points is O(n) where n is the number of points we want to generate.
    • The binary operation inside the loop is O(log k) where k is the size of the Binary Heap.
    • The overall time complexity is O(n * log k).
  • Space complexity:

    • The space complexity for storing the points vector is O(n), where n is the number of points generated.
    • The space complexity for the binary heap is O(k), where k is the limit of closest points
    • The overall space complexity is O(n + k).