use python-escpos to generate fake orders. send them down the serial slide to KNUCKLE DRAGGER.


uses python-escpos v3.0a4 which can be downloaded from:

to install this module:

  1. create a conda env, then activate it

    conda create --name epson source activate epson

  2. locate python-escpos and move it to your site-packages folder for 'epson' conda env.

    e.g. on MacOS location is /home/der/anaconda3/envs/epson/lib/python3.7/site-packages

  3. install it using 'pip -e' to install from a local path

    ~/anaconda/envs/epson/bin/pip install -e ~/anaconda/envs/epson/python3.7/site-packages/python-escpos-3.0a4

  4. when you try to import it like this:

    from escpos.print import Serial

    you will get an error for file not found for 'capabilities.json' => to fix: find this file under the /capabilities-data/dist/ folder and copy it over to src/ folder

  5. you should be able to import it without errors:

    from escpos.print import Serial