
Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT


hazl dll is intended to be injected with hazlaunch which is also barebones as hell. the goal is the following:

STEP 0: we don't do this

launch to main game process (handled by hazlaunch) but v. easy

STEP 1: making it not hell to debug

open a channel to deliver data to the user/developer since like stdout is barred from us on this mortal coil or something??

STEP 2: the extreme basics

do the detours prerequisite rain dance to activate its magic and make sure there's an export def being loaded by VS

STEP 3: Config

VCPKG: vcpkg install detours. get nop's d2mooheaders or d2moo.

add all that to the dependencies. set the vcpkg install folder. add include folders, i ended up with fog/storm/d2game/d2lang just to pull strcat from Unicode (the bastardized Diablo 2 Unicode) and the linker settings are tedious as well. set the def while you're there

STEP 4: Actually Doing Something

hook LoadLibraryA and LoadLibraryW, we don't need the others. watch loadlibrary for something we want to patch like d2game. this is tricky because the game will do recursive reads of dlls. otoh i don't see the problem if we just do DetourFindPayload or whatever and just skip that file if it's true. I'm not quite sure how I'm going to handle memory addresses, I can probably do like locations["goku.dll"] + 80085 to do goku.dll+80085.. Ordinals are off the table for now until I become smarter.