
Android MVP example code using RxJava 1, Retrolambda, Dagger 2, and more

Primary LanguageJava


MVP example code using RxJava 1, Retrolambda, Dagger 2, and more.

The app demonstrates all parts of MVP (Model, View, and Presenter). It demonstrates getting data from a fake service and caching it in memory and to disk. The cached data is valid for 5 seconds, or until manually cleared by the user.

The project demonstrates techniques from Dan Lew's blog such as loading data from multiple sources (http://blog.danlew.net/2015/06/22/loading-data-from-multiple-sources-with-rxjava/), using compose (http://blog.danlew.net/2015/03/02/dont-break-the-chain/), and deferring code until subscription (http://blog.danlew.net/2015/07/23/deferring-observable-code-until-subscription-in-rxjava/) to name a few.

The project also deomnstrates an Espresso integration test, as well as a few unit tests (that run with Robolectric).