
Data-Analytics is a simple project to process files in a directory.

How to work

Data-Analytics catch a files from user.home/data/in directory and process them afterward write the output file in user.home/data/out

alt text

Input Example

Create a file from .dat extension and put them in user.home/data/in:

File body

002ç2345675434544345çJose da SilvaçRural
002ç2345675433444345çEduardo PereiraçRural

Salesman data


Customer data

002çCNPJçNameçBusiness Area

Sale data

003çSale IDç[Item ID-Item Quantity-Item Price]çSalesman name

Output Example

after processing, the system writes the output file in directory user.home/data/out with the same name as the input file adding .done.dat:

File body

customersAmounts= 2
salesmanAmounts= 2
mostExpansiveSaleId= 10
worstSalesman= Paulo

Running project

Go to the project location and run: ./gradlew build

After execute build, execute: java -jar build/libs/{jarname}.jar

Running tests

If you want running tests, execute: ./gradlew test