To see Details of this experiment, checkout wiki
Steps to Reproduce Results
- Copy the file "" into /scratch from Ns3 root directory.
- Run ./waf --run "802.11ac_raa_comparision" to build and run the file.
- Command line options, example, ./waf --run "802.11ac_raa_comparision -raa=Ideal"
Relevant Options available
Parameter | Description |
nCsma | Number of CSMA nodes |
nWifi | Number of wifi STA devices |
raa | RAA algortihm ( MinstrelHt / ConstantRate / Ideal ) |
maxByte | Max numbr of bytes to be sent for TCP Streams. |
For other options refer the main file.
Running the file will generate two output files,
a) Delay_"raa_name"_"nWifi".csv -> Records Delay per second
b) Throughput_"raa_name"_"nWifi".csv -> Records Throughput per second
IEEE Standard, Delay Model, Loss Model, Error Model can changed accordingly in the file.
-> Dhruv Agja -
-> Parth Dodiya -
-> Avdesh Yadav -