Capa backend coding test

About this task

Think of this as an open source project. How would this have to look in order for you to be impressed with it.

Please spend at least 90 minutes on this test. Feel free to take more time if you wish - make sure you are happy with your submission!

Hint: we are looking for a high-quality submission with great application architecture. Not a "get it done" approach.

Remember that this test is your opportunity to show us how you think. Be clear about how you make decisions in your code, whether that is with comments, tests, or how you name things.

What to do


  • Create a new Javascript-based api service (any framework is fine)
    • TypeScript would be good, too.

Make your API consumer happy

Let API consumer

  • can get the list of stores in stores.json
  • can get the specific item of stores in stores.json
    • Your API consumer can identify the item with its name
  • can get the latitude and longitude for each postcode.
    • You can use to get the latitude and longitudefor each postcode.
  • can get the functionality that allows you to return a list of stores in a given radius of a given postcode in the UK. The list must be ordered from north to south.


  • Send the link of your repository.
  • Provide answers for the following questions with your submission:
    1. If you had chosen to spend more time on this test, what would you have done differently?
    2. What part did you find the hardest? What part are you most proud of? In both cases, why?
    3. What is one thing we could do to improve this test?