
React component to work with baidu javascript API which enables you search, pinch and more

Primary LanguageJavaScript

React Baidu Map

NPM version Build status Dependency Status Downloads

react component to work with baidu javascript API which enables you search, pinch and more


$ npm install --save react-baidu-map




The following is an example to show how it works with a search input to get position of every marker from the map in real-time.

import { BaiduMap } from 'react-baidu-map';

class ExampleApp extends React.Component {
  render() {
    return (
        <input onChange={this.onChange.bind(this)} />
        <BaiduMap id="location" ref="location" style={{height: 300}}
          onSelect={this.onSelect} />
  onChange(event) {
  onSelect(point) {
    // point.lng
    // point.lat

Before you start working on coding with Baidu API, you should add script to your main script:

<script type="text/javascript" src="http://api.map.baidu.com/api?v=2.0&ak=your_key"></script>



  • id {String} the id to create the map element in DOM tree, default value: "allmap".
  • style {Object} the style sheet to apply to the root element of this component.
  • onSelect {Function} this function will be fired when user click a marker and the info bubble is shown
    • point {Point} the position of being clicked to some maker
      • lng {String} the lng of the point.
      • lat {String} the lat of the point.


search(text: string): void

Search by keyword from the created map context.


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