
Community health files!



All the community health files that should be automatically included as defaults in each of the Dog Face Development Co. repositories.

GitHub Issues GitHub Pull Requests

Key FeaturesDownloadHow To UseSupportContributors

Key Features

  • Issue Templates (Bug Report, Feature Request and Question)
  • Legal Document Templates (CLA, Privacy Policy, EULA, Terms and Conditions)
  • Pull Request Template
  • Code of Conduct Documentation
  • Contributing Documentation
  • GitHub Sponsors Configuration File
  • Creative Commons License
  • Security Policy


You can download the files to add them to your own Github repository.

You can also fork the repository to start a new GitHub repository based off these community health files.

How To Use

|   ├── bug-report.md
|   ├── feature-request.md
|   ├── question.md
├── docs
|   ├── legal
|   |   ├── CLA_ENTITY.md
|   |   ├── CLA_INDIVIDUAL.md
|   |   ├── EULA.md
|   |   ├── PRIVACY.md
|   |   ├── TERMS.md
├── FUNDING.yml

To add these projects to your own repository, just download or create a fork following the instructions above. Then edit each of the files to match the goals of your community. Commit and upload the files, and you're all set!


If you need more assistance in setting up your GitHub community, visit their dedicated documentation pages here.


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This project is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Public License - see the LICENSE file for details. The logo image is used under the same license, with the original available here.