
Mooege Wrapper/Compiler/Updater written in C#.

Primary LanguageC#


1.- Open MadCow project file with VisualStudio and hit F5.
2.- Run Compile.bat located at MadCow root directory.


For changing the proxy configs set Proxy settings over \Tools\Madcow.ini file.

Steps to play:

Step 1: Download MadCow
Step 2: Compile
Step 3: Start up MadCow, it will create a shortcut on your desktop.
Step 4: Select a Repository
Step 5: Press "Validate Repository" Button.
Step 6: Press "Update Mooege" Button.
Step 7: Press "Find Diablo3" Button, select diablo 3.exe.
Step 8: Press "Copy MPQ's" Button.
Step 9: Press "Play Diablo (Local)" Button,
Step 10: Select the Repository you downloaded, Launch Diablo 3 Button.
Step 11: Wait for mooege to have to lines that say "Listening to..."
Errors? -> Redownload MPQS and Requirements from Compiling
Step 12: In Diablo -> User: test@ Pass: anything


Please use mooege.org forum, try the search function first, maybe the problem your experiencing its already solved.
If unable to find an answer go to MadCow support section and start a post, BE SURE to paste your Mooege log file along your post, 
the log file can be fund within "logs" folder in your madcow root directory.