
SkipHook is a header-only library that allows you to create function wrappers that skip the first instruction (x64 / x86).


Certain AntiCheats (eg. Battleye) try to find Cheaters by verifying the RETURNADDRESS of specific WinApi- / Gamefunctions. They either do this by placing a direct hook (0xE9) to their internal module OR they try to catch an exception (0xCC). To prevent this, you can use SkipHook.


SkipHook tries to disassemble the first instruction of the function passed to skip_hook::make_skip_hook. If it was able to decode the instruction, SkipHook creates a trampoline in a local section that executes the first instruction and jumps back to the original code flow.


Example to create a SkipHook function:

#include "skiphook.h"

int main() {

	auto skIsBadReadPtr = skip_hook::make_skip_hook<decltype(&IsBadReadPtr)>((uint64_t)IsBadReadPtr);

	std::cout << "skIsBadReadPtr(" << std::hex << GetModuleHandleA(0) << ", 8) -> " << skIsBadReadPtr(GetModuleHandleA(0), 8) << std::endl;
	auto skGetAsyncKeyState = skip_hook::make_skip_hook<decltype(&GetAsyncKeyState)>((uint64_t)GetAsyncKeyState);

	while (!skGetAsyncKeyState(VK_ESCAPE))
		std::cout << "Waiting for ESCAPE key!" << std::endl;