
Primary LanguagePython

Retrieve System

Powered by Tensorflow


This retrieve_server is currently based on python tornado-4.5.2 and powered by tencent segmentation. The system actually contains three components:

  • ElasticSearch server
  • Scoring server(s)
  • Retrieve server


Now the ElasticSearch-5.2.0 is used to build a basic indexing system on:


To start the server please refer to ElasticSearch-5.2.0 Setup, Currently already started on:

We need to inject data into ElasticSearch before we can retrieve any from it, injection scripts and data samples as examples can be found under data dir:


Data file is in json format and each piece of data is represented by two line, one for index, another for content with probably more complex json-compatible structures, for this example:

{"index": {"_id": "99"}}
{"time_interval": "300", "content_time": ["00:16:34,095 --> 00:16:36,012", "00:16:36,012 --> 00:16:37,079"], "post_time": "00:16:34,095 --> 00:16:36,012", "e": "1", "content_en": ["him who?", "nothing."], "query_ch": "\"他\"是指...", "response_ch": "没啥", "s": "1", "query": "him who?", "response": "nothing.", "response_time": "00:16:36,012 --> 00:16:37,079", "content_ch": ["\"他\"是指...", "没啥"]}
{"index": {"_id": "100"}}
{"time_interval": "300", "content_time": ["00:16:43,098 --> 00:16:45,001", "00:16:45,091 --> 00:16:49,097"], "post_time": "00:16:43,098 --> 00:16:45,001", "e": "1", "content_en": ["him, robbie?", "it's none of my business, but you deserve better than that guy."], "query_ch": "你是说罗比  对吧", "response_ch": "这事与我无关但我觉得那家伙跟你配不上", "s": "1", "query": "him, robbie?", "response": "it's none of my business, but you deserve better than that guy.", "response_time": "00:16:45,091 --> 00:16:49,097", "content_ch": ["你是说罗比  对吧", "这事与我无关但我觉得那家伙跟你配不上"]}

The injection is done by code as something like following:

    curl -XPOST "${full_name}/data_${sub_title_2}_1/_bulk?pretty&refresh" --data-binary "@brokesisters3.json"

Note that you should not run these code directly for this will inject these data a second time !

As there's some limit to the size of each data file, we must split the file into pieces to keep it under size 50M, this limit is configurable by ElasticSearch configuration file /search/odin/sheperd/retrieve/elasticsearch-5.2.0/config/elasticsearch.yml:

http.max_content_length: 100mb

You can also refer to those commented-out lines in /search/odin/sheperd/retrieve/data/load_brokesisters_3.sh to inject many data files

Note that this value will only work under 2gb for the HTTP protocal size limit

More operations including delete,update,index and any other details please refer to Document APIs

Once injected successfully, you can check your indexed data on the browser, for data id 1 and data id 2:

For a typical search api: given a query, to retrieve data pieces with top size similarity between their key query and this given one:

    url =
    # Do post request of this data
    req = tornado.httpclient.HTTPRequest(url, method="POST", headers=None, body=json.dumps(q, ensure_ascii=False))

More details about searching strategy please refer to Search APIs

Data resources (up to now):

  • Chinese corpus
    Nick@, password: Nick
    # original bought multi-turn; two-turn weibo data,500w sessions
    # Segmented multi-turn data by ZhouHao, contains some single lines(probably some error, just skip those single lines)
    root@, password: sogourank@2016
    # Segmented sogou-crawled + stc-1 + stc-2 + bought two-turn weibo pairs
  • English corpus
    root@, password: sogourank@2016
    # Original Broke sisters .ass files and python scripts for processing it into json
    # season 1 - 6, maybe hundreds of thousands, not sure
	# scripts to process:
    # transfer ass to srt
    cat python ass_to_sess.py > out.1 
    # 将`1.out`转换为`brokesisters3.json`文件
    # 每条记录由最多连续六条构成(间隔时间不超过给定参数 `interval`)
    # 集数(_episode_)与季数(_season_)判断:
    #    遇到_index_为1自动将_episode_ + 1
    #    每季的集数硬编码在代码当中(`ep` list)
    python chaten_brokensisters_3.py # --interval=200
    # Original opensubtitles data constructed by question-ans criteria
    # 1.1kw+, lower case, reponses are greater than 3
    /search/odin/Nick/GenerateWorkshop/data/opensubtitle/clean_en_data.py # may not be sufficient
    # Preprocessed opensubtitles pairs with joint prime, with response length greater than 3
    # 700w+ lower case
    # Preprocessed twitter pairs, with limited UNKs ratio in total and limited UNKs ratio per sentence (say, 0.1 ?)
    # 25w pairs
    # Preprocessed reddit pairs, without prime
    # 1kw+ pairs, lower case

Scoring server

Scoring server is another independent service, which is also based on python tornado and probably powered by tensorflow-serving or other heavy methods.

For this broke_sisters examples, we use an ensembled scorer server that will provide scores below on each query-candidate(post and response) pair:

  • rnn_enc scores is the cos-similarity between vecs of the given query and its candidate posts generated by a seq2seq(vae,cvae) encoder that is trained on opensubtitle_gt3_joint_prime_clean
  • emb score is the cos-similarity between embeddings of the given query and its candidates, that is simply a sum of word embeddings over sequence
  • posterior score is a cross-ent score given a query-candidate response pair, generated by a seq2seq model trained the opensubtitle_gt3_joint_prime_clean with reversed pairs(response-post)

For now, this scoring server is alive on, to start it:

ssh root@ # passward: sogourank@2016
cd /search/odin/Nick/GenerateWorkshop/servers
sh scorer_start.sh # this will restart the server if it is already running

This will actually run a python app Server.py that will further start 2 tensorflow-serving servable defined in `` on two seperated GPU and 1 scoring server on top of them U can check logs by:

    tail -f logs/server_scorer_0_9011.log # scoring server log
    tail -f logs/tf_server_news2s-opensubtitle_gt3_joint_reverse_10052.log # posterior model
    tail -f logs/tf_server_cvae-noattn-opensubtitle_gt3-emb_10060.log # rnn_enc , emb model

These scores over candidates are now accessed by HTTP post method called in a tornado coroutine:

cans = [
    (post, response),
    (post, response),
data = {
    "cans":[each[0] for each in cans],
    "responses":[each[1] for each in cans]
url = ""
body = json.dumps(data)
req = tornado.httpclient.HTTPRequest(url, method="POST", headers=None, body=body)
http_client = tornado.httpclient.AsyncHTTPClient(force_instance=True,
res = yield http_client.fetch(req)
res_js = json.loads(res.body)

Retrieve Server

Given a query, what a Retrieve server does is to first retrieve some candidates from ElasticSearch based on some strategy and get scores for all these query-candidates pair by requesting Scoring server, do some simply ranking, then collects whatever debug info needed for any client and form a HTTP response to be returned

Run it before the first time use

pip install flask -i http://pypi.douban.com/simple --trusted-host pypi.douban.com pip install requests -i http://pypi.douban.com/simple --trusted-host pypi.douban.com pip install gevent -i http://pypi.douban.com/simple --trusted-host pypi.douban.com pip install redis -i http://pypi.douban.com/simple --trusted-host pypi.douban.com yum install libevent

To start(stop) it:

    ssh root@ # password: chatbot@2017
    cd /search/odin/dialogue/retrieve-ranker
    sh start.sh
    #sh stop.sh
    # seelog
    tail -f logs/retrieve_server.log

U can also change the behavior of the Retrieve server by setting different params in start.sh while starting

Params usage
index_type Indexing system name, u may use others (e.g. searchhub -- used many thousands of years ago, refer to searchhub_candidates(), currently we use 'elastic'
index_name chaten_brokesisters3 for current example, and u may change it according to how u inject data
data_type data_brokesisters3_1 for current examnple, also may be altered as u inject data with a different sub_name
procnum process number, note that they will not share memory !
score_host scorer server addr, currently
elastic_host elastic_host server, currently
The main part of the server logic is in get(...) function in /search/odin/dialogue/retrieve-ranker.py
