

This documentation provides an overview of a React-based note-taking application. The application allows users to create, edit, and manage notes with tags. It uses various React libraries, including React Router for navigation and React Bootstrap for styling.

Table of Contents

  1. Dependencies
  2. File Structure
  3. Data Structures
  4. Main Application Components
  5. Functions and Handlers
  6. Routes and Routing
  7. Usage

1. Dependencies

  • bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.min.css: CSS styles for Bootstrap.
  • react-bootstrap: React components for Bootstrap.
  • react-router-dom: Routing and navigation for React applications.
  • uuid: A library for generating UUIDs.
  • useLocalStorage: Custom hook for managing data in local storage.

2. File Structure

  • NewNote.tsx: Component for creating a new note.
  • useLocalStorage.ts: Custom hook for managing data in local storage.
  • NoteList.tsx: Component for displaying a list of notes.
  • NoteLayout.tsx: Component for displaying a note layout.
  • Note.tsx: Component for displaying a single note.
  • EditNote.tsx: Component for editing a note.
  • App.tsx: Main application file containing the root component.

3. Data Structures

  • Note: Represents a note with additional data properties.
  • RawNote: Represents a raw note data structure.
  • RawNoteData: Contains raw note data including title, markdown, and tag IDs.
  • NoteData: Contains processed note data including title, markdown, and tags.
  • Tag: Represents a tag with an ID and a label.

4. Main Application Components

App: The root component of the application. It manages the overall structure of the app and handles note creation, updating, and deletion.

5. Functions and Handlers

  • onCreateNote({ tags, }: NoteData): Creates a new note and adds it to the list of notes.
  • onUpdateNote(id: string, { tags, }: NoteData): Updates an existing note.
  • onDeleteNote(id: string): Deletes a note by its ID.
  • addTag(tag: Tag): Adds a new tag to the list of tags.
  • updateTag(id: string, label: string): Updates the label of an existing tag.
  • deleteTag(id: string): Deletes a tag by its ID.

6. Routes and Routing

  • /: Displays the list of notes with associated tags and allows editing and deletion.
  • /new: Provides a form to create a new note, including the ability to add tags.
  • /:id: Displays a single note with options to edit and delete.
  • /edit: Allows editing the content of the note and tags.

7. Usage

To use this application, follow these steps:

  1. Clone this repo and run npm i.