
Deep Learning Course Project

Primary LanguagePython


Deep Learning Course Project

DQN 1 vs 1 DQN 1 vs 2 DQN 2 vs 1

This repository contains our implementation of DQN, DDPG, and MADDPG that works on a slightly modified version of the predator-pray environment. It also contains our results, including trained weights and training rewards and losses.

Here is a summary of the folders:

  • multiagent-particle-envs/: This folder contains our implementation of DQN, DDPG, and MADDPG agents (dqn.py, ddpg.py, maddpg.py). It also contains the main file used for training and testing the agents (dqn_tag.py, ddpg_tag.py, maddpg_tag.py).
  • multiagent-particle-envs/multiagent/scenarios/: This folder contains the modified version of the predator-pray scenario (simple_tag_guided_1v1.py, simple_tag_guided_1v2.py, simple_tag_guided_2v1.py).
  • report/: This folder contains the latex files for our final report.
  • results/: This folder contains the trained weights of our DQN, DDPG, and MADDPG models, and the statistics collected during training.