This project detects damage on the car body using the state-of-the-art YOLOv5 algorithm.
- Dataset of 100 images is collected.
- VOTT is used to add images annotations.
- Labels .txt files are generated.
- Dataset is splitted 9:1 for train and test.
- Model YOLOv5x is trained on the dataset.
- Custom Labeled Dataset
- Train Notebook Colab Link
- YOLOv5 .yaml File
- Results
- Annotations Guide
You can train YOLOv5 on your custom images through these steps:
- Place all the dataset images in one folder.
- Download VOTT.
- Follow the Annotations
- Set the dataset structure in Dataset
- Upload file to either Github or Google Drive.
- Clone the file to the Notebook.
- Run "CarBodyDamageDetection-YOLOv5.ipynb".
- Best model will be avilable at "/content/yolov5/runs/train/exp(i)/weights/".