
The cw challenge

Primary LanguageC#

 _N##N@@""  ""9NN##Np_       
d###P            N####p      
"^^"              T####      
        0###F     READY TO  
        0###F      RIDDLE?

Welcome, riddler...to the i4Ds crossword challenge!

There are crossword puzzles to be generated! More specifically, "clues-in-squares" crosswords (DE: Schwedenrätsel).
The goal is to fill the 'empty' grids with question fields and words from the provided dictionary (/useful/wordlist.txt). Make sure that your crossword generator is familiar with our constraints. Everything is explained below.

TEST CASES: You will find all the challenges in the "test_cases" directory.
  * For island_1 and island_2, pay attention to the blocked fields. You must fill in everything else!
  * The file names and specifications (rows, columns, islands) of the filled grids must be *exactly* the same.	

Once you have managed to generate valid crossword puzzles for each test case, simply ZIP the generated .cwg files and upload them to receive your rating!

DEADLINE: Sunday, 7th January 2018 23:59

Good luck!

Stephen & Lucas
24th Nov 2017

> stephen.randles@fhnw.ch
> lucas.broennimann@fhnw.ch

* Island: A group of 1 or more blocked fields (may contain neither a question nor a letter)
* Uncrossed field: a letter belonging to only one question
* Dead fields: 2 or more uncrossed fields next to each other (only vertically or horizontally)
* Cluster of question fields: Question fields next to each other (also diagonally)
see also: /useful/CrosswordDescription.png

* Every field must be assigned a question or a letter (unless it's a blocked field)
* Every letter must belong to a question
* A question field may contain either 1 or 2 questions (fields with 2 questions are optional)

- Arrow Types
see also: /useful/arrow types.png

0	Down
1	Down, then right
2	Left, then down
3	Right
4	Right, then down
5	Up, then right

The arrow types 1,2,4 and 5 are only allowed on: row 0, column 0, to the right of an island, below an island

For question fields with 2 questions, only the following arrow combinations are allowed:

Each crossword is rated individually based on these factors:

* Percentage of question fields (best: 22%)
* Percentage of uncrossed solution fields (best: < 20%)
* Histogram of word lengths (best: see "Ideal Histogram" below)
* Number of "dead" fields (best: none)
* Average size of question field clusters (best: < 3)
* Number of 'double questions' (best: either none, or 22% of the question fields)
* Bonus: 10% on each grid that is completely filled with valid words

- Ideal Histogram

length	%
2	0
3	18
4	24
5	20
6	18
7	12
8	4
9+	4

File specification
See also: /example_grids

{grid fields}
{list of question fields}

- Header
# rows
# cols

- Grid fields
?	Question field (type must be defined below grid)
.	Unfilled solution field
A-Z	Solution field (part of a word)
-	Blocked field (not part of the puzzle, don't overwrite)

- Question fields
In the grid: Marked with a '?'. One such field may contain 2 questions with different arrow types (defined in the list).

In the list: Each question must be defined as follows, whereby row and column indices are 0-based:
	{row} {col} {typeId}

Example A: A question pointing right, then down, in the first field of the grid
	0	0	4
Example B: Two questions in the field (3, 2) with one question downwards, and one to the right
	3	2	0
	3	2	3

Rating Example

0 0 4
0 2 0
1 0 3
2 0 3

=> Result:
Score: 59.2%

Question fields: 0.0 (44% questions, way too much)
Uncrossed fields: 100.0 (only 1 uncrossed field, very good)
Histogram: 0.0 (only 2s and 3s, bad!)
Dead fields: 100.0 (no dead fields, yay!)
Clusters: 55.0 (3 question fields in a row, although it could be worse)
Double questions: 100.0 (no double questions, so that's ok)

Rating function details
For those who want to know the rating functions a bit more in detail, you can read it here:

1) Percentage of question fields
	score = 100 - (abs(x-22)*2)²
2) Percentage of uncrossed solution fields
	score = 100 – ((max(20,x)-20)/2)²
3) Histogram of word lengths
	score = 100 – sum((xi-yi)²)/8
4) Number of "dead" fields
	This counts all uncrossed fields with a neighbour which is also uncrossed
	score = 100 – (deadFields/TotalSolutionFields)*400
5) Average size of question field clusters
	Looks at every group of connected question fields, so a cluster may have size 1 to n.
	However, only clusters with size 3 or bigger are penalized. 
	score = 100 – (sum((clustersize|>3)²)/clusters)*10
	In the example above there are two clusters, one with size 3 and one with size 1. Score is therefore 100 - (3²/2)*2 = 55
6) Number of double questions
	double questions are optional, but if you want to use them, they should be around 22% of the questions or 4.84% of all unblocked fields.
	score = X=0: 100 | x>0: 100 – (abs(x-22))²