
A cron job wrapper that wraps jobs and enables better error reproting and command timeouts.

Primary LanguagePython


A cron job wrapper that wraps jobs and enables better error reporting and command timeouts.


To install cronwrap simply do::

$ sudo easy_install cronwrap
$ cronwrap -h


Basic example of usage::

##Will print out help
$ cronwrap -h

    usage: cronwrap [-h] [-c CMD] [-e EMAILS] [-t TIME] [-v [VERBOSE]]

    A cron job wrapper that wraps jobs and enables better error reporting and command timeouts.

    optional arguments:
      -h, --help            show this help message and exit
      -c CMD, --cmd CMD     Run a command. Could be `cronwrap -c "ls -la"`.
      -e EMAILS, --emails EMAILS
                            Email following users if the command crashes or
                            exceeds timeout. Could be `cronwrap -e
                            "johndoe@mail.com, marcy@mail.com"`. Uses system's
                            `mail` to send emails. If no command (cmd) is set a
                            test email is sent.
      -t TIME, --time TIME  Set the maxium running time. If this time is passed an
                            alert email will be sent once the command ends.
                            The command will keep running even if maximum running time
                            is exceeded. Please note that this option doesn't
                            prevent the job from stalling and does nothing to
                            prevent running multiple cron jobs at the same time.
                            The default is 1 hour `-t 1h`. Possible values include:
                            `-t 2h`,`-t 2m`, `-t 30s`.
      -v [VERBOSE], --verbose [VERBOSE]
                            Will send an email / print to stdout on successful run.

##Will send out a timeout alert to cron@my_domain.com:
$ cronwrap -c "sleep 2" -t "1s" -e cron@my_domain.com

##Will send out an error alert to cron@my_domain.com:
$ cronwrap -c "blah" -e cron@my_domain.com

#Will not send any reports:
$ cronwrap -c "ls" -e cron@my_domain.com

#Will send a successful report to cron@my_domain.com:
$ cronwrap -c "ls" -e cron@my_domain.com -v