

Implement a full micro/unit test suite for a concrete implementation of the ToDo Module covering the following classes: ToDoListImpl implements ToDoList ToDoFactory TaskImpl implements Task

Your test suite must test only and all methods implemented from the public facing API. That is, do not include tests for methods not specified in the public facing API.

Your test suite will be marked using a few different implementations of this ToDo Module

Implement this module and ensure it passes your test suite

Your implementation will be marked using a known working test suite.


Implement a test suite for a concrete implementation of the SPFEA façade covering the SPFEAFacadeImpl class only.

Again, your test suite must test only and all methods implemented from the public facing API.

Your tests should not use a concrete instance of your fully implemented ToDo module to create your test fixtures. This means you will have to use the mock test double feature provided by Mockito.

You do not need to implement this module.