
NAME SID Yiheng Yang 510231499 Xiaoqian Hu 500105263 Haolin Jin 510085113 Zechao Sun 510048657 (Copied from enerpreise github account)

introduction about how to run the project

For this project, using gradle above 7.4 and using gradle build to build the project, and using gradle run to run the project.
Our main class is 'App', we will use Gradle to compile and run this class, calling the main function in the App and 
performing a series of operations.

introduction about how to test the project

We use jacoco to test the code which implemented by gralde, then store the test result in the build/reports/jacoco/test/html/default/index.html

introduction for each class

1. Main class: App
2. UI class: All classes in the GUI package
3. Functional and Attribute class: All classes in the Builder, Card, Login, Order, RecentFiveItems, Roles, ShoppingCart,
Snacks, Store packages.


1. Please turn down the volume of your speaker will you run the project.
2. The vending machine do not have too many cash, so please don't fill too many cash when you pay for your orders.
3. The input of your cash will be spearate automatically, eg: enter 12 dollars will be a seperate as 1x10 dollars and
   2x1 dollars automatically.

Tools More specific about the agile development are in the report

1. Jeinks for CI/CD
2. Jira Board
屏幕截图 2023-07-27 020022 屏幕截图 2023-07-27 012939 屏幕截图 2023-07-27 013012