Source: Euler Spiral for Shape Completion BENJAMIN B. KIMIA, ILANA FRANKEL AND ANA-MARIA POPESCU Division of Engineering, Brown University, Providence, R1 02912, USA
Takes the initial and final postion+orientataion. Returns the Euler Spiral parameters k, gamma and curve length with the equations: Curvature K(s) = gamma*s + k (Here s is the arc length)
/* @Brief : This is used to find the parameters of a euler spiral
between two points given the tangents at the points
Since there are infinite solutions so the total curvature is
minimised, this is achieved by keeping the change <= 2 * pi
Also since no straight away numerical solution exists for the
euler spiral equations gradient descent is used get the best fit.
For starting the estimation the initial conditions are to be specified.
The following code estimate the initial parameters by fitting a Biarc
on the given data.
The Curvature in Euler curve is represented as K(s) = gamma*s + k
So the purpose is to find k, gamma and the length of the curve