
파이썬 초심자를 위한 책 - 프로그래밍을 모른다면, 여기서 시작하세요 (byte-of-python 번역본)

Primary LanguagePython


2019년 12월 29일 현재, 번역 작업중이며 자세한 번역 일정 및 현황은 Projects에서 확인해주세요!

"A Byte of Python"은 파이썬 프로그래밍을 위한 무료 교재입니다. 파이썬이라는 언어를 처음 시작하시는 분들을 위한 예제와 가이드를 제공합니다. 만약 컴퓨터를 사용하실 때 파일을 저장하는 정도의 실력 밖에 없다면, 이 책은 바로 당신을 위한 책이 될 것입니다!

한국어 번역 (Korean Translation) GitHub commit activity

This book was originally written by Swaroop C H, and you can download the original document from https://python.swaroopch.com/

이 책의 원 저자는 Swaroop C H 입니다. 책의 원문은 https://python.swaroopch.com/ 에서 확인 및 다운로드 하실 수 있습니다.

제 번역 실력이 좋지 못하여 의역, 오역이 있을 수 있습니다..😭 따라서 한국어 번역에 참여하고 싶으신 분이나 의견을 주실 분들은

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    1. 본 레포지토리에 자신의 아이디로 브렌치를 생성하여
    2. 번역한 내용을 원문 밑부분에 > 를 사용하여 인용문(BlockQuote) 형태로 작성 후
    3. pull request 해주시거나
  2. issue로 의견을 부탁드립니다!

Translated by Dokyoon Tony Kim
github e-mail

Python 버전 3

This book will teach you to use Python version 3. There will also be guidance for you to adapt to the older and more common Python version 2 in the book.

이 책은 Python 3를 기준으로 강의가 작성되었습니다. 더 오래되었고 보편적으로 쓰이는 Python 2 버전을 쓰시던 분들도 넘어오실 수 있게 작성되었습니다.

Who reads A Byte of Python?


Here are what people are saying about the book:

이 책의 독자들이 남겨주신 독자평입니다:

This is the book that got me into programming almost a decade ago. Thank you @swaroopch. You changed my life. -- Stefan Froelich

이 책은 10년 전에 저를 프로그래밍이라는 세계로 이끌어주었습니다. 제 인생을 바꾸어놓은 @swaroopch 에게 감사를 표합니다. -- Stefan Froelich

I am writing this email to thank you for the great help your book has done for me! It was a really good book that I enjoyed thoroughly. As a 15 year old who has never done programming before, trying to learn Python online was difficult and I couldn't understand anything. But I felt like your book gave was much easier to understand and eased me into the whole new world of programming. Thanks to you, I can now write a high level language with ease. I thought programming would be hard and boring, but with your book's help, I realised how fun and interesting yet simple it can be! I would like to thank you again for your hard work on helping out beginners like me. -- Prottyashita Tahiyat on Sep 17, 2019

저에게 매우 큰 도움이 되어 감사하다는 메일을 쓰고 있습니다. 이 책은 정말 좋은 책이에요! 제가 아직 프로그래밍이라는 것을 모르던 15살 때, 인터넷에서 파이썬을 배우는 것은 매우 힘들었고, 전 어떠한 것도 이해하기가 힘들었어요. 하지만 저는 이 책이 다른 책보다 훨씬 쉽게 이해할 수 있게 해주는 것같이 느꼈고, 완전히 새로운 프로그래밍이라는 세계에 손쉽게 들어갈 수 있게 해주었어요. 이제는 손쉽게 High level 언어를 사용할 수 있게 해주셔서 감사합니다. 저는 예전에 프로그래밍이 어렵고 지루한 것이라 생각했었지만, 이 책의 도움을 받고 난 후 프로그래밍이라는 것이 얼마나 간단하고 재미있으며 흥미로운 것인지 알게 되었어요! 다시 한 번 저 같은 초심자를 도외줄 수 있는 이러한 책을 제작해주셔서 감사하다는 말씀 드리고 싶습니다. -- Prottyashita Tahiyat on Sep 17, 2019

This is the best beginner's tutorial I've ever seen! Thank you for your effort. -- Walt Michalik

The best thing i found was "A Byte of Python", which is simply a brilliant book for a beginner. It's well written, the concepts are well explained with self evident examples. -- Joshua Robin

Excellent gentle introduction to programming #Python for beginners -- Shan Rajasekaran

start to love python with every single page read -- Herbert Feutl

perfect beginners guide for python, will give u key to unlock magical world of python -- Dilip

I should be doing my actual "work" but just found "A Byte of Python". A great guide with great examples. -- Biologist John

Recently started reading a Byte of python. Awesome work. And that too for free. Highly recommended for aspiring pythonistas. -- Mangesh

A Byte of Python, written by Swaroop. (this is the book I'm currently reading). Probably the best to start with, and probably the best in the world for every newbie or even a more experienced user. -- Apostolos

Enjoying Reading #ByteOfPython by @swaroopch best book ever -- Yuvraj Sharma

A Byte of Python by @swaroopch is still the "Best newbie guide to python" -- Nickson Kaigi

Thank you so much for writing A Byte Of Python. I just started learning how to code two days ago and I'm already building some simple games. Your guide has been a dream and I just wanted to let you know how valuable it has been. -- Franklin

I'm from Dayanandasagar College of Engineering (7th sem, CSE). Firstly i want to say that your book "The byte of python" is too good a book for a beginner in python like me.The concepts are so well explained with simple examples that helped me to easily learn python. Thank you so much. -- Madhura

I am a 18 year old IT student studying at University in Ireland. I would like to express my gratitude to you for writing your book "A Byte of Python", I already had knowledge of 3 programming langagues - C, Java and Javascript, and Python was by far the easiest langague I have ever learned, and that was mainly because your book was fantastic and made learning python very simple and interesting. It is one of the best written and easy to follow programming books I have ever read. Congratulations and keep up the great work. -- Matt

Hi, I'm from Dominican Republic. My name is Pavel, recently I read your book A Byte of Python and I consider it excellent!! :). I learnt much from all the examples. Your book is of great help for newbies like me... -- Pavel Simo

I am a student from China, Now ,I have read you book A byte of Python, Oh it's beautiful. The book is very simple but can help all the first learnners. You know I am interesting in Java and cloud computing many times, i have to coding programm for the server, so i think python is a good choice, finish your book, i think its not only a good choice its must use the Python. My English is not very well, the email to you, i just wanna thank you! Best Wishes for you and your family. -- Roy Lau

I recently finished reading Byte of Python, and I thought I really ought to thank you. I was very sad to reach the final pages as I now have to go back to dull, tedious oreilly or etc. manuals for learning about python. Anyway, I really appreciate your book. Samuel Young

Dear Swaroop, I am taking a class from an instructor that has no interest in teaching. We are using Learning Python, second edition, by O'Reilly. It is not a text for beginner without any programming knowledge, and an instructor that should be working in another field. Thank you very much for your book, without it I would be clueless about Python and programming. Thanks a million, you are able to break the message down to a level that beginners can understand and not everyone can. -- Joseph Duarte

I love your book! It is the greatest Python tutorial ever, and a very useful reference. Brilliant, a true masterpiece! Keep up the good work! -- Chris-André Sommerseth

First of all, I want to say thanks to you for this greate book. I think it is a good book for those who are looking for a beginner's tutorial for Python. It is about two or there years ago, I think, when I first heard of this book. At that time, I am not able to read some book in English yet, so I got a chinese translation, which took me into the gate of Python programming. Recently, I reread this book. This time, of course, the english version. I couldn't believe that I can read the whole book without my dictionary at hand. Of course, it all dues to your effort to make this book an easy-to-understand one. -- myd7349

I'm just e-mailing you to thank you for writing Byte of Python online. I had been attempting Python for a few months prior to stumbling across your book, and although I made limited success with pyGame, I never completed a program. Thanks to your simplification of the categories, Python actually seems a reachable goal. It seems like I have finally learned the foundations and I can continue into my real goal, game development. ... Once again, thanks VERY much for placing such a structured and helpful guide to basic programming on the web. It shoved me into and out of OOP with an understanding where two text books had failed. -- Matt Gallivan

I would like to thank you for your book A Byte of Python which i myself find the best way to learn python. I am a 15 year old i live in egypt my name is Ahmed. Python was my second programming language i learn visual basic 6 at school but didn't enjoy it, however i really enjoyed learning python. I made the addressbook program and i was sucessful. i will try to start make more programs and read python programs (if you could tell me source that would be helpful). I will also start on learning java and if you can tell me where to find a tutorial as good as yours for java that would help me a lot. Thanx. -- Ahmed Mohammed

A wonderful resource for beginners wanting to learn more about Python is the 110-page PDF tutorial A Byte of Python by Swaroop C H. It is well-written, easy to follow, and may be the best introduction to Python programming available. -- Drew Ames

Yesterday I got through most of Byte of Python on my Nokia N800 and it's the easiest and most concise introduction to Python I have yet encountered. Highly recommended as a starting point for learning Python. -- Jason Delport

Byte of Vim and Python by @swaroopch is by far the best works in technical writing to me. Excellent reads #FeelGoodFactor -- Surendran

"Byte of python" best one by far man (in response to the question "Can anyone suggest a good, inexpensive resource for learning the basics of Python? ") -- Justin LoveTrue

The Book Byte of python was very helpful ..Thanks bigtime :) Chinmay

Always been a fan of A Byte of Python - made for both new and experienced programmers. -- Patrick Harrington

I started learning python few days ago from your book..thanks for such a nice book. it is so well written, you made my life easy..so you found a new fan of yours..thats me :) tons of thanks. -- Gadadhari Bheem

Before I started to learn Python, I've acquired basic programming skills in Assembly, C, C++, C# and Java. The very reason I wanted to learn Python is it's popular (people are talking about it) and powerful (reality). This book written by Mr. Swaroop is a very good guide for both brand-new programmers and new python programmers. Took 10 half days to go through it. Great Help! -- Fang Biyi (PhD Candidate ECE, Michigan State University)

Thank you ever so much for this book!! This book cleared up many questions I had about certain aspects of Python such as object oriented programming. I do not feel like an expert at OO but I know this book helped me on a first step or two. I have now written several python programs that actually do real things for me as a system administrator. They are all procedural oriented but they are small by most peoples standards. Again, thanks for this book. Thank you for having it on the web. -- Bob

I just want to thank you for writing the first book on programming I've ever really read. Python is now my first language, and I can just imagine all the possibilities. So thank you for giving me the tools to create things I never would have imagined I could do before. -- "The Walrus"

I wanted to thank you for writing A Byte Of Python (2 & 3 Versions). It has been invaluable to my learning experience in Python & Programming in general. Needless to say, I am a beginner in the programming world, a couple of months of self study up to this point. I had been using youtube tutorials & some other online tutorials including other free books. I decided to dig into your book yesterday, & I've learned more on the first few pages than any other book or tutorial. A few things I had been confused about, were cleared right up with a GREAT example & explanation. Can't wait to read (and learn) more!! Thank you so much for not only writing the book, but for putting it under the creative commons license (free). Thank goodness there are unselfish people like you out there to help & teach the rest of us. -- Chris

I wrote you back in 2011 and I was just getting into Python and wanted to thank you for your tutorial "A Byte of Python". Without it, I would have fallen by the wayside. Since then I have gone on to program a number of functions in my organization with this language with yet more on the horizon. I would not call myself an advanced programmer by any stretch but I notice the occasional request for assistance now from others since I started using it. I discovered, while reading "Byte" why I had ceased studying C and C++ and it was because the book given to me started out with an example containing an augmented assignment. Of course, there was no explanation for this arrangement of operators and I fell on my head trying to make sense of what was on the written page. As I recall it was a most frustrating exercise which I eventually abandoned. Doesn't mean C or C++ is impossible to learn, or even that I am stupid, but it does mean that the documentation I worked my way through did not define the symbols and words which is an essential part of any instruction. Just as computers will not be able to understand a computer word or computer symbol that is outside the syntax for the language being used, a student new to any field will not grasp his subject if he encounters words or symbols for which there are no definitions. You get a "blue screen" as it were in either case. The solution is simple, though: find the word or symbol and get the proper definition or symbol and lo and behold,the computer or student can proceed. Your book was so well put together that I found very little in it I couldn't grasp. So, thank you. I encourage you to continue to include full definitions of terms. The documentation with Python is good, once you know, (the examples are its strength from what I see) but in many cases it seems that you have to know in order to understand the documentation which to my mind is not what should be. Third party tutorials express the need for clarification of the documentation and their success largely depends on the words that are used to describe the terminology. I have recommended your book to many others. Some in Australia, some in the Caribbean and yet others in the US. It fills a niche no others do. I hope you are doing well and wish you all the success in the future. -- Nick

hey, this is ankush(19). I was facing a great difficulty to start with python. I tried a lot of books but all were bulkier and not target oriented; and then i found this lovely one, which made me love python in no time. Thanks a lot for this "beautiful piece of book". -- Ankush

I would like to thank you for your excellent guide on Python. I am a molecular biologist (with little programming background) and for my work I need to handle big datasets of DNA sequences and to analyse microscope images. For both things, programming in python has been useful, if not essential to complete and publish a 6-years project. That such a guide is freely available is a clear sign that the forces of evil are not yet ruling the world! :) -- Luca

Since this is going to be the first language you learn, you should use A Byte of Python. It really gives a proper introduction into programming in Python and it is paced well enough for the average beginner. The most important thing from then on will be actually starting to practice making your own little programs. -- "{Unregistered}"

Just to say a loud and happy thank you very much for publishing "A Byte of Python" and "A Byte of Vim". Those books were very useful to me four or five years ago when I starting learning programming. Right now I'm developing a project that was a dream for a long, long time and just want to say thank you. Keep walking. You are a source of motivation. All the best. -- Jocimar

Finished reading A byte of Python in 3 days. It is thoroughly interesting. Not a single page was boring. I want to understand the Orca screen reader code. Your book has hopefully equipped me for it. -- Dattatray

Hi, 'A byte of python' is really a good reading for python beginners. So, again, NICE WORK! i'm a 4 years experienced Java&C developer from China. Recently, i want to do some work on zim-wiki note project which uses pygtk to implement. i read your book in 6 days, and i can read and write python code examples now. thx for your contribution. plz keep your enthusiasm to make this world better, this is just a little encourage from China. -- Lee

I am Isen from Taiwan, who is a graduating PhD student in Electrical Engineering Department of National Taiwan University. I would like to thank you for your great book. I think it is not only just easy to read but also comprehensive and complete for a new comer of Python. The reason I read your book is that I am starting to work on the GNU Radio framework. Your book let me catch most of important core ideas and skill of Python with a minimum time. I also saw that you do not mind that readers send you a thank note in your book. So I really like your book and appreciate it. Thanks. -- Isen I-Chun Chao

The book is even used by NASA! It is used in their Jet Propulsion Laboratory with their Deep Space Network project.

Academic Courses

This book is/was being used as instructional material in various educational institutions:

이 책은 다양한 교육기관에서 교재로 사용되었거나 사용되고 있습니다.

"저 그리고 제 선배도 당신의 책을 주요 문헌으로 사용하고 있습니다."

  • 'Introduction to programming', Department of Information Sciences, University of Zadar, Croatia -- Krešimir Zauder says "I would like to inform you that A Byte of Python is a mandatory read at my course"

"제 강의를 듣는 여러분들은 이 책을 반드시 읽을 수 있도록 합니다."


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  • 이러한 권리에 관련된 내용은 반드시 책의 도입부에 적혀 있어야 하며, 이 문서의 첫 페이지에는 http://swaroopch.com/notes/python 로 연결되는 링크가 반드시 있어야 하고, 원 저자의 글을 이 곳에서 내려받을 수 있다는 사실을 명시해야 합니다.
  • 따로 명시되어 있지 않는 한, 이 책에서 사용된 모든 코드 및 스크립트는 3-clause BSD License 아래에 배포됩니다.

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이 책의 인쇄본(영어원서)은 https://www.swaroopch.com/buybook/ 에서 구매하실 수 있습니다. 책을 구매해주시면 이 책의 지속적인 내용 개발 및 개선에 도움을 주실 수 있습니다.

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(정정, 수정, 번역 참여를 위한) 원본은 https://github.com/swaroopch/byte-of-python 에서 확인하실 수 있습니다.


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