
Yandex Cup 2022 : Mobile Track : Quiz B

Primary LanguageDart


Consider also the source code of BLE_READER PLUGIN - that was written and released espessialy for these Quiz solution 🥵 (both IOS and Android supported). You can explore documentation and learn more about Peripheral mode and streaming data that is received via Bluetooth Low Energy network solution for flutter at 👉 https://pub.dev/packages/ble_reader

Yandex Cup 2022 : Mobile Track : Quiz B

General image

Awesome Flutter Maintained with Riverpod

Key Concepts

    participant MicStream
    participant FlutterSoundPlayer
    participant Flutter_Blue_Plugin
    MicStream->>Device: Uint8List stream representing the captured audio
    loop BLE_Reader_Plugin
        Device->>Device: EventChannel.receiveBroadcastStream()
    Note right of Device: Listening on BLE <br/>network!
    Device-->>FlutterSoundPlayer: .openAudioSession(Uint8List stream representing the received audio)
    Device->>FlutterSoundPlayer: mergeChunks(Stream<dynamic> source
    FlutterSoundPlayer-->>Device: Stream<Uint8List>


➜  folder ✗ git clone https://github.com/Doldrums/b.git
➜  b git:(master) ✗ flutter pub get
# in case there are conflicts in generated files
➜  b git:(master) ✗ flutter pub run build_runner build --delete-conflicting-outputs