Here is the materials for the Skoltech ISP Esperanto course 2018.

In addition to that you can find a corresponting Quizlet course.

And here is the list of resources/links to stick with Esperanto further:


Resources you can use to learn Esperanto further:

  • Esperanto: Teach Yourself Textbook (present in the repository)
    I found it a very useful textbook for learning on your own. It gives you a chunk of grammar info every lesson and then asks you to translate some texts using this knowledge. So it aims to make you practice the language and widen your vocabulary -- the things that lacked in our course.
    Great website for learning languages. It has also English->Esperanto course and in a gamified manner makes you spend at least 10 min every day to learn and practice. Huge community of Esperanto learners included!
    Another website for esperanto learners. It contains profound Esperanto course, grammar explanations with multiple examples and active forum with discussions.

Babilado interrete

Where can you communicate with Esperanto-speakers on the internet?

    There is a lot of Telegram chats crowded with Esperanto speakers. Here you can find a list of them. I especially advice you to look into the last section, it's a list of two-language chats, where you can speak about Esperanto in your native language.
  • Esperanto Stackexchange
    Discussions on questions about Esperanto in English
  • /r/Esperanto/ 
    Esperanto subreddit. Do I need to say more?
  • Amikumu 
    That's an app to find speakers of any language you like close to you. It was created by a team of Esperantists and is very popular in Esperanto community. Can be really fun to use while travelling.


Watch and listen to Esperanto videobloggers!

  • Evildea 
    The most popular and really enjoyable videoblogger in Esperantujo
  • Verdaj Aferoj De Ginny
    "Mother of all Polish videobloggers", who is learning and speaking Esperanto now.

There are a lot more of them, but I don't want to suggest to you those about whom I don't know much or don't really enjoy myself. You can find the list of some other guys on this channel (on the right "BONAJ ESPERANTAJ KANALOJ")


Come and meet Esperanto community in real life!

    The calendar with all the meetings all over the world.


Esperantaj memeoj!