
ISP550 Project - Food Delivery System (Domain Class Diagram -> code)

Primary LanguagePHP

LNN 4 Bert's (In memory of Bert's ✊😔)

Domain Class Diagram

All models in /app/Models

Seeders(to populate database with mock data) in /database/seeders

Scripts for presentation

Show Admins

$admins = \App\Models\Admin::all();
$admin = $admins->random();

Show Sales Reports

$salesReports = \App\Models\SalesReport::all();
$report = $salesReports->random();

// Show which admin generated the report

// Show orders in the report's date range

Show Customers

$customers = \App\Models\Customer::all();
$customer = $customers->random();



$customer->orders->where('status', 'Preparing')->first()->deliverer
$customer->orders->where('status', 'OutForDelivery')->first()->deliverer

Show Foods

$food = \App\Models\Food::find(1);

Show notify

$order = \App\Models\Order::where('status', 'ReadyForPickup')