
A tutorial for hosting the Impostor Among Us private server on repl.it

Primary LanguageShell

(I don't think you can join the server from mobile)

WARNING: this may not work, I was not able to play on it, I'll update the instructions if I can get it to work. The server seems to be running fine, but it will not let me create a game. The same thing happens when I try to run it from a VM on my computer, so IDK what is wrong with it (If you do end up being able to play on it, I'd love to know how)

If this does not work for you, issues and pull requests are always welcome

Impostor build from source

A few scripts to automatically download the source for the Impostor custom Among Us server (I did not make the server, just the scripts to run it on repl.it)

If you don't want to use the dev branch of the server (currently the only branch with plugin support), you should use this tutorial

You will need:

  1. An account on repl.it

How to set up

part 1: Importing from Github

  1. Go to repl.it and sign in
  2. Go to the "My Repls" page
  3. Click "New Repl" in the top left
  4. Click Import From Github
  5. Paste https://github.com/Dolphin-Bunny/Impostor-Replit-Tutorial into the repository url box. You do not need to link your Github account
  6. Click the blue "Import From Github" button

part 2: Setting up your repl

  1. On line 1 of main.sh, replace <Your Repls Name> with the name of the repl you will host the server on BUT WITH SPACES REPLACED WITH DASHES ( - ), and <Your Repl.it Username> with your username on repl.it. a. So for me, line 1 would be getent hosts impostor-building-from-source.dolphinbunny.repl.co | awk '{ print $1 }'
  2. Type sh install.sh into the console on the right and press enter. This may take a few minutes. You should not need to do anything while it installs. When it is finished, it will say "Done!" at the bottom of the console
  • This will install several things onto your repl that are needed to use the dev branch of the server (the branch that supports plugins and has more features)
    • This will:
      • Install .NET SDK 5.0 on your repl
      • Build the impostor server
  • You should do this each time you visit/reload the repl.it page
  • The script might be at
    Microsoft (R) Build Engine version 16.8.0-preview-20475-05+aed5e7ed0 for .NET
    Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    Determining projects to restore...
    For a while, but that is normal

Running the server

  1. Click "Run" at the top of your screen
  2. If everything worked, you should see something in the console that looks similar to:
> sh main.sh
Your repls ip address is:
[15:54:59 INF] Starting Impostor
[15:54:59 DBG] Hosting starting
[15:55:00 INF] Matchmaker is listening on, the public server ip is
[15:55:00 INF] Loading plugins.
[15:55:00 INF] Loaded 0 plugins.
[15:55:00 INF] Application started. Press Ctrl+C to shut down.
[15:55:00 INF] Hosting environment: Development
[15:55:00 INF] Content root path: /home/runner/impostor_src/Impostor-dev/src/Impostor.Server/bin/Debug/net5.0/linux-x64
[15:55:00 DBG] Hosting started

Joining the server

  1. The ip address of the server is below the Your repls ip address is: line
  2. The port of the server is 22023 unless you changed it
  3. The Impostor Github repo has instructions for how to join the server

Plugins and config.json

You can put your plugins in the plugins folder on the left side of the editor More info on writing plugins here (you need to know C#)

You can edit config.json to change server settings You can find more information on config.json here